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Chaiberry  (Abstract Team)  [ Chaiberry ]
Sammamish, USA
This is the story of a boy who lost his precious brother and his reason to fight. It is a young girl who helps him regain his reason to fight-- his desire to be somebody.
Video    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Audio    Thousand Foot Krutch - Be Somebody
Genre    Action, Drama, Character Profile
4:00 | 67,1 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
4:00 | 15,7 Mb. | 480x272 | H.264 / aac
4:00 | 292 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 24 « [1] 2 3 »
SoloNIkAMD  [ 22 December 2018, 14:47 ]
музыка и тайтл подобраны отлично. прямо пробрало до мурашек, но вот с технической стороны это прямо разочаровало. я понимаю, что автор хотел вписать кадры под текст песни, но у него это получилось посредственно 5/10. за проведённую работу в подборе кадров и музыки 7/10.
777lexa777  [ 16 Febuary 2018, 15:59 ]
Kvant  [ 06 Febuary 2018, 12:25 ]
Пересмотрел (с утра, часов через 10 после первой попытки). В целом клип по прежнему не понял, впечатление осталось смутное и размытое.
Первая половина всё же кажется интересней, там, кажется, какие-то темы преемственности/ педагогики/ воспитания (старший парень чему-то там учит мелкого), потом пошла банальная любовь на фоне борьбы с чем-то там...
В целом посредственно. История не внятна.
Chaiberry  [ 31 January 2018, 07:25 ]
love you.

thanks, I'm really glad to hear that!
Juan  [ 31 January 2018, 01:05 ]
very good :smile:
caused feelings in me, personally I am a big fan of this story, so for me a great job
omelette-chan  [ 30 January 2018, 23:28 ]
all hail the berry
Chaiberry  [ 30 January 2018, 07:06 ]
Thanks for the feedback! I actually didn't realize that weakness and now that you point it out, I'll improve on that in the future.

Yeah the lip flap was something I had trouble with, i tried to sync it as much as possible, Thank you though!
MycathatesyouAMV  [ 29 January 2018, 05:30 ]
cool character profile. I think you could have slowed down the cuts at the slower parts of the song, and removed some of the lip flap, but overall the editing makes the video flow pretty well
irriadin  [ 28 January 2018, 10:42 ]
Really nice, moving and carefully selected focus on Simon and Nia (and Kamina). At times, this was both your greatest weakness and strength. Strength because it allowed you to craft your own vision for this very popular source. But at times, the narrow focus feels a bit claustrophobic. Without some greater context, or more incidental scenes to allow viewers to experience a greater impact for the characters, it feels a bit less than what it could be.

THAT BEING SAID, the song was perfectly chosen and I think you did a fantastic job overall (esp. with motion and transitions). Good luck!
NIGHT  [ 25 January 2018, 22:25 ]
Досмотрел до середины. Скучно.
« [1] 2 3 »
AVERAGE SCORE:6.9 / 1066
VIEWERS:7.3 (20)CRITICS:6.9 (9)
EDITORS:6.5 (19)EXPERTS:6.0 (1)