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The atmosphere of an AMV community. I am so glad that i can receive dozens of comments here.
It was easy to join and the site helps a lot with the steps you have to make if you are a participant !
I also like the fact that people can comment here on this site or on youtube where the video gets uploaded so you get a nice feedback.
The combined rating of viewers, editors and jury. It seems to be a very fair and open contest!
 Okami & LukeG
I like how it is organized. Many people participate from the whole world, it is stimulating, it creates competition.
Следование традициям спустя столько лет , хорошо что вы всё ещё с нами ! =)
I liked that the Participant's Panel guid me in each step.
Наличие хороших клипов (вообще не получилось всех впихнуть, кого хотел, выбор был ну ооооочень большой, поэтому извините, за кого не голоснул). Понравилась организация и все такое, прикольно, что как в 15-м году сохранили тот же формат голосования.
 Giorgi ジオ
I think it's fun to "compete" with other editors in this contest , since it's more international and it has been around for a while and i know a lot of big editors who have won in this contest back in the day so i've always wanted to try it too.
The discussions along with the super cool videos. Everyone's insight and the variety of perspectives is so fun!
 Hilary Cullen
The videos that were very creative; I confess I stuck a lot with the dramatic works. This was a great year, in my opinion.
The adequacy of users and their comments. It really became clearer to me how to fix my next job.
Iceberg comments, lack of leolide saying "no vhs", while many failed; many authors attempted to do new things...oh and Kizmet.
I like to see videos from people around the world, every year there are interesting concepts quite frequently!
Организация в целом и количество заинтересованных авторов.
I liked that we could show our work and take some advices from many different people long before the results.
После его завершения, я наконец-то отосплюсь.
 Kawai ishi
В этом году были хорошие работы, также всегда греет это чувство причастности к сообществу, я правда рада, что успела заскочить) Акросс всегда был и будет, я надеюсь, конкурсом, который объединяет все наше комьюнити, что авторов, что зрителей. И это правда замечательно.
Продление дедлайна
I think everything is cool!
the possibility to challenge with some great vids
Good vids!
The community is awesome!
Музыка, Боб Росс и pixel art
The fact that it has been going on for so many years. Everything still going well and great. The staff were great, understanding and cooperative when I had some difficulties submitting my entry.
I can meet many nationalities who also have a passion for AMV.
And the compilation of your contest and the whole process.
So I hope you will be alive for many more years... thx to Evilspider and all suporter.
Long history
The videos were better than last year as a whole, and the contest brings up community involvement and discussion.
Оперативность координатора.
I liked the variety of videos in the finals this year. Ton of great videos!
I liked that videos with better quality were accepted.
good amount of finalist


The registration restriction is useless. Everyone can create a new account. And i hope you can add a function as comments selection that allows author to select which comment is not good(Cause i met some insulting words)
Until now i do not find anything that i dislike, maybe after the results ! (i am kidding)
The search to find the videos for every catagorie. I am more of a visual guy, so if i see a picture of an amv, i know everything else and can tell what amv it is.

So for the catareogievotes i would like to see pictures+ Names.
It is disappointing to see that, year after year, the contest keeps having weaker and weaker videos.
 Okami & LukeG
Less and less people participate every year unfortunately. I do not think it is a real problem of the tournament.
Субъективные мнения некоторых личностей. Но это тоже моё субъективное, ведь сколько людей - столько и мнений.
Nothing really, just the comment section could be all in english but thats not the fault of the Contest.
Не понравилось то, что есть те кто, откровенно говоря, каким-то странным образом попали в финал очень странным отбором жюри (я про комиссию, а не голосование зрителей), и то, что я не прошел сразу в финал уже 3-й раз подряд (втф)! Это какой-то хэйт меня или что ? Объясните уж.
 Giorgi ジオ
It's my personal opinion but I've seen a lot of old generation editors criticizing people who are more new gen, they would point out unnecessary stuff like "What was the point of putting this silhouette themed scene after this one" and etc. I feel like they don't understand how long it takes to make an edit with high quality vfx,they're mostly about what they see.
Hmmm, I'm not sure, I really enjoyed it!
 Hilary Cullen
Nothing I can think of.
I did not like the fact that the competition was not impressed with a lot of good works, but some of them inspired me a lot.
The lack of appeal.
I miss the quality level from previous years but I know this ain't your fault... however, I believe there are videos that deserved to be in finals instead of some you picked
Очень мало запоминающихся работ. Вот раньше трава была зеленее, деревья выше!
Hmm there was nothing to dislike honestly.
Грех жаловаться.
 Kawai ishi
В общем-то, ничего особенного не побеспокоило
Maybe that entries are not good as they were in past years but the contest is still enjoyable!
the fact that I'm pretty sure not everyone watched all the videos, that would be awfull
Change in deadline. Just set a later deadline if it's gonna be changed anyway (which it sounds like it usually is haha)
The judge is very limited and sometimes nonsense. Why does the finalist have to vote for the best video and other categories? This does not make any sense.
Клип Miso
Nothing really.
I think the quality of the AMVs have a bit flagged, especially this year.

it´s pity that just only few "authors" participate for a dialog, means...exchange views/opinons.
I mean, some viewer and authors make the effort to give a "honest and factual contents" and honor the artist with them...So it would be good to take some time to show an appropriate reaction ... that the effort is appreciated. Like in the past years before.

Trolls and few guys in every video which only made us down with his correction like a smarty people.
Certain videos felt mis-categorized.
Ожидать премьеру. Хотя это естественно.
I don't like that results come out before every participant video has been published. this affects the vision of a video
The offensive comments
everything needs an approval, filling out music and anime for the video, i need to wait from 24 to 72 hours for someoine to approved, then when i when I upload the video, it needs an approval too.


Hope akross can become better!
Hmm i am not sure if the judging system works perfectly, but i can't think of a better way so it's fine as it is.
The end-voting of the winners. Its very tight, its around 2 days and to make a 100% correct chioce you need a bit more time to make it fair for everyone. The rest i rly like.
 Okami & LukeG
Nothing, all it is ok now.
Уберите ограничение 25мб/мин , сделайте немного потолще, порадуйте Артофила. Если каждому выделяют по 450 Мб места индивидуально, то можно и пожирнее кодить ^__^
It was a bit confusing at first but as i mentioned through the help of the "Participant Panel" it was managable.
То, что озвучил выше, поменяйте жюри чтоль, я хз, а то шляпа какая-то выходит. Так же могу не только за себя говорить. Не попали в финал несколько довольно хороших работ сразу, так же и несколько через отбор жюри. В общем-то вам решать, конечно, но свое мнение я озвучил.
 Giorgi ジオ
I don't really have any ideas in my head about it so just do what you all were doing till now.
The only thing might be to make it a little more clear that we can kind of play with the logo, it seemed to me in the rules we couldn't mess with it, but I noticed many people modified it to look super cool, and I wish I had too!
 Hilary Cullen
I wouldn't change anything.
Nothing, I like everything!
No pushing back deadline, just set a due date and stick to it.
Don't allow Iceberg to say uncircumcised fields unless he thinks that's the winning video.
& lastly; while I can't think of anything immediately, I'd say make some sort of change. The contest has gone on for over a decade, it's time we mix it up. Brainstorm and try and come up with something that just brings in some fresh air. The creators can try and do so but when they fail to do so and the contest itself feels the same, things begin to feel stale, the amount of interest also can wear down.

As I said I can't think of anything now but if I do, I'll drop it in one of you guys inbox for next year.
Nothing in particular
Можно сразу писать, что дедлайн в январе :)
I don't know, I think the way it is now is pretty fair and good.
Все хорошо.
 Kawai ishi
Даже не знаю... Наверное, было бы интересно добавить еще жанры, но я пока не придумала, какие) Вроде конкурс охватывает все.
I think rules are fine :)
Probably the length, I'll make it end the first day of January insted of 20-30 days later, it's sounds more like a new year contest than the end of the previous one
I guess provide descriptions of these categories on the rules page beforehand? It would nice to have these guidelines for different categories easily available while I watch the entries haha.
I'd ask to great editors to judge each video instead of the finalists
Меня всё устраивает
I got nothing, I think the contest is good as is.
4 categories ; )

A little Info/Rules how to behave(communication), before the contest starts. Maybe this will help for more and factual dialogues.
More time to vote at the end
No changes, I just hope it continues in the future!
I don't sure. Im sorry.
we should add a nomation instead of viewrs choice, something call finalis choice, where all the finalist would be able to choosed their favourite video
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 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2015 01.02.2016  
Touhou Project (art)
In Flames - My Sweet Shadow