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Очень здорово, что жив и АкроссКон и сам Акросс, так как я многому обязан этому сообществу и очень рад вернуться сюда снова! Также мне нравится, что конкурс побуждает авторов делать из своих клипов необычные работы, реализовывать сложные идеи и помогает тем самым в их творческом саморазвитии
It's very well organised and of course, the entries.
Понравилось, что конкурс ещё проходит.
I like this contest because I can push my editing amv skill in here and get so many revisions, thats important for me and maybe everyone too<3
When my video is uploaded on the akross contest channel
is represent our country, i love it makes me want to edit with all my skill.
i like this Contest :D
внятные, точные требования без лишнего формализма
простота заливки
The amount of amvs to see and the simplicity in uploading the video straight to the site, and not in a roundabout way with the links and stuff, definitely the second reason. There are other reasons too. If I do not like the contest they would not have submitted it for so many years. Even though I am listing some ideas does not change my love for the contest.
То что в финал попал и получил зрелище как то так.
the accuracy and points in detail on the selection of categories very well taken care of again next year I will share!
i don't know
Don't know :) My favourite video has Akrosscon logo so I sign up this contest :)
Because of variety of talented people being here, they are really inspiring for me to pursue film directing.
То что кон еще жив.
the customer service in gmail so fast i like it!!, and interesting amv contest
I like the idea of being able to nominate videos ourselves, instead of relying on just a few judges
То, что он до сих пор живет, надеюсь так и продолжится.
I like the overall organization of the site and the attention to dates, deadlines etc..
I like the feeling of competition, can find their own shortcomings
I have to congratulate the organizer this year, several ideas that were suggested were applied correctly, some changes necessary to the interface of the site were done
The choice of being able to choose multiple categories.


Очень жаль, что в этот раз было не так много работ, как обычно... Надеюсь, что это исключение из правил и в следующем году AcrossCon2022 получится провести на максималках!
Sadly, not enough entries this year!
 Darksss 73
Упадок конкуренции (Мало участников).
Слишком много отказавшихся от участия авторов, из-за чего в финале оказалось много отстоя, который я был вынужден смотреть.
Hmmm idk, maybe my video is last premiered, ahhh
"Standard Quality"
i using phone to edit so I have a little problem when I should to export my video again to smaller size…because it makes my video quality worse
This is my first time so..... the comment it's like "very sharp" "ouch"
but, it's ok (some bad comment for me it is a sign, that i can learn something and make it better in next event)
как обычно победят сизьге и пыщ-пыщь с фиффектами
но это проблема аудитории
Deadline uncertainty, can you just put the January, or this time February day first instead of putting a day in December. I am always nervous that you might followed the December day that is before holiday winter break, I did this contest five years and the December is never a the one, so why are you still putting that one up to everyone nervous. Is it so that everyone does not submit thare amv in January all at once. Hard sub being allowed would be nice.
Мне не понравилось то что свои голоса не отдал за тех, которые хотел, что бы прошли не которые не прошли и много хороших клипов
too few participants, a little too much lengthening for the competition I would like the dates to be confirmed once given but I understand what happens! hoped it won't happen next year !.
risen404 and his videos
Russian comment everywhere without translating tool :(
Количество клипов
Please all genre for best videos should be carefully inspect and then should added to desirable genres, some of us really can't figure out which genre should we write.
maybe the scoring because in my country is so different so i have to standarized all above
This year it's definitely tha lack of entries, which isn't neccessarily just the fault of the contest itself, but I think you could use some change to attract more editors.
Жесткие ограничения при кодировке клипа/скриншотов.
I don't agree with the choice of selecting everyone as finalists, I know the entries were not many as previous years but I actually think that there were some pretty bad videos that don't deserve it.
There is nothing to dislike.
I believe several editors will agree to this point: THE LACK OF PARTICIPANTS this year
while this is something that cant be controlled by the organizer, it was unexpected to get a low number of participants this year, interest in AKROSS Con is reducing.

In my opinion this is something that will have to pay attention for next years in order to avoid this
too many rules.
Голосование хД


Регламент и правила уже настолько отточены годами, что мне не удалось придумать что-то для их улучшения
It's very well organised so I can't come up with ideas right now.
 Darksss 73
Да вроде всё путем - я за стабильность ( Хотя.я.я.я.я. кто будит слушать старого динозавра ).
Авторов, которые зарегистрировались на конкурс, но не приняли участие, надо лишать возможности принимать участие в следующем году.
I see bug (maybe) on submit page.
Max size for file is 450mb right? *idk cmiiw
Nah, my file yesterday is 435mb and i cant submit it, so im confused and rendering my amv again
maybe nothing
i think its fine.
возможность добавления номинирования в какой-то жанр "по мнению зрителей" дополнительно к мнению автора
Put back the listing the percentage the percentage amount of anime vs other sources allowed, I think this is a very important part, maybe put preview version back. Hard subs would be nice. And the soft subs in the video when being played on the website, Instead as some attachment I do not know what to do with and requires to get to actually download the video onto the computer.
Да все ок.
No, I think it's fine as designed
i don't know
Nothing, i like this way.
make promotional video, ads, make it interesting, new scoring rules maybe, i know this contest is so hype in my country so you have to share to social media promote, i don't want this would be the last akross con, and just some message stay healthy in out there because pandemic covid still high!!!
Considering how nowadays a lot of people seem to be motivated by money, maybe add some monetary prize? Advertise the contest more, maybe by adding some activities throughout the year or something? Utilize your discord more? Idk, I'm not a marketing expert, but maybe brainstorm some ideas to get more people interested and keep the contest relevant, because i would hate to see it go.
С правилами все ок, а чтобы конкурс стал лучше нужно пытаться привлечь как можно больше участников. А привлечь их можно, только финансовыми призами или каким-то материальным мерчем. Благодаря этому, может прийти на конкурс новый народ из других сфер, например челики, которые не интересуются самим аниме, но разбираются в видеомонтаже.
Maybe adding a prize pool with money (even if I am not personally interested) could be nice, also a promo that announce the beginning of the contest.
You guys are doing great. I don't have a problem with that.
AKROSS Con will have to work in advertising, this is urgent in order to get this feeling of 'fresh and excitement' for the sake of the contest

Changes in the interface are done correctly, but fortunately the contest is still a space for new editors to show their skills, maybe you can focus in that every time you promote the contest.

As for veteran editors, we still participate for the nostalgia element, we cant afford to see the contest going down so we expect to participate in the future
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 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2011 04.12.2011  
Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon (Madeon)
Action, Character Profile