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TakayanagiPRO  (Nanomachine)  [ TakayanagiPRO ]
Brasilia, Brazil
Write a description is my least favorite part. Because, being honest, I exceed all my "creative" force (can I say that?) when I am creating the AMV. And when I finally arrive in this part, I don't even know who I am, I don't like to hear the music anymore and the anime I used seems saturated. You know, it's hard to create a name (a title!), for the project, imagine an entire description? Well, it was fun, and I'm happy to have finished the project and participate here, in the Akross.

I not going to talk much about the AMV, because I hope you guys watch and then find out what it is.
Video    Highschool of the Dead, Terror in Resonance, Toradora!
Audio    Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Genre    Story, Fun, Action
4:40 | 90,8 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:40 | 20,9 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
4:40 | 245 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 42 « [1] 2 3 4 5 »
DEDninja  [ 07 September 2017, 00:27 ]
Молодца 8\10
TakayanagiPRO  [ 31 January 2017, 15:46 ]
God, why did I make this video? Thanks, guys, for the comments. This situation made me realize that I must abandon these impulses of brief but voracious enthusiasm. It's a good thing. :tongue:
Xsive Pro  [ 26 January 2017, 21:09 ]
Легкое и приятное AMV, не более.
Людвиг  [ 26 January 2017, 02:13 ]
ни ок,вооще ни ок =\
Axiles  [ 24 January 2017, 21:04 ]
музыка и видео живут своими жизнями, как можно за него голосовать?
Death_Kn1ght  [ 18 January 2017, 17:52 ]
Внезапно этот клип в финал не попал ? Жду зрительское...
ICEberg  [ 17 January 2017, 19:11 ]
хорошая годная история
с кровишей и мозгами
отдельно радует жизненный финал про атомную бомбардировку (но для фана этого недостаточно)
PieandBeer  [ 02 January 2017, 00:39 ]
i admire how you altered the sources and kept it just to the two hotd kids. while i really enjoyed the lyric sync and ironic use of the song with the bomb, i felt like the actions scenes did not hit the beats in the song as much as i would have liked them to. i liked the visual flow and some of the weirder transitions, but the song cut/repeat made the video kind of off-balanced and did not give the satisfying ending i was hoping for. you have a really cool editing style though! hope this does well in the contest! :)
KiyoT  [ 30 December 2016, 10:52 ]
Yesterday I saw your video on amvnew ... why so long?
Borov_Seka4  [ 26 December 2016, 15:38 ]
Музыка понравилась. Прямо отлично с цветовой гаммой аниме совместилась. Однако не совсем увидел взаимоувязку аниме с музыкой....Да и спецэффекты в конце с логотипом акрохи не столь необходимы...лучше сделать больше спецэффектов в самой сути клипа....
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