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Nostromo  [ Nostromo ]
Paris, Франция
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Binary Overdrive was created in collaboration with upcoming UK based dance/pop/synth sensation “Sugar Jesus”. www.sugarjesus.com

The initial concept of this AMV started in an informal meeting/interview between Jeremy Hindle and Andrei (Sugar Jesus Frontman, Writer, Producer, you name it...). During the afternoon Jeremy put forward the idea of possibly using AMV’s as a medium for an official music video. Andrei although unfamiliar with the territory was completely game and always up for trying new things. With the idea in it’s infancy Jeremy put together a collection of AMV’s (including some of my own I hear) for Andrei to watch and get a feel for them. Not long into the escapade Andrei piped up with a “I’ve got a track I’m working on at the moment, which will work with this. It’ll work well, really well! Let’s do this!”

Meanwhile Jeremy contacted me and put forward the ideas which Andrei and himself were having which resulted in Andrei sending me an early version of the track to see if it was made of the right stuff. The first version of the track (barely recognisable now what with all of the additions and enhancements) was already enough to make me want to use it. Also being able to work directly with the artist allowed the song to be enhanced and altered in order to better suit the AMV. This was an exciting prospect for me.

So the hunt for footage began...and the wonderfully artistic “Genius Party Beyond” film short "Dimension Bomb” by Koji Morimoto was the eventual port of call. After a couple of weeks I finally had a basic timeline put together with footage that I was proud of. I sent it over to the UK and everyone thought it was fantastic and a brilliant footage choice for the music.

And so... the fun work began...

Over then next few months I produced several versions and clips showing my progress back and forth to Andrei and Jeremy who gave their opinions and input, both positive and negative. Andrei also, captivated by the developing AMV regularly went back to improve on his track stating, “It needs more, more punch, I really want this to have some spectacular energy to it!”. When the video really started coming together I think we were all very excited with what we had created and putting the final polish on top was a very satisfying moment.

Andrei and Jeremy asked me to include this statement from them:

“Wow, what can we say? We are really excited about the release of this video. We have all put a lot of work into it’s production and are extremely satisfied with the result. Working with Nostromo was a massive pleasure and indeed on many occasions felt like an honour. Some of the footage and effects he manages to put together are truly inspiring and to top it all off he is a really fantastic guy! The AMV community is a deep and friendly one and if the opportunity arises, we would love to do something like this again. We really couldn’t have enjoyed putting this AMV together any more than we have and we really hope you enjoy watching it.”

This was truly a brilliant opportunity to make an AMV not just using a great track, but to make an AMV alongside a great track’s production. This, I and Andrei both feel, allowed for innovation and an improved production quality for both “Binary Overdrive” and his track “Get a Hold of Yourself”. We’ve all learnt a lot and hopefully you will all enjoy watching as much as we have enjoyed creating this AMV.

Note : alt version is 1280*720@60fps, if you notice audio/video delay, try to play with VLC.
Видео    Genius Party Beyond: Dimension Bomb, Passion (Utada Hikaru PV)
Музыка    Sugar Jesus - Get a Hold of Yourself
Жанр    Other
4:45 | 56,3 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:45 | 9,55 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
4:45 | 248 Мб. | 1280x720 | DivX / mp3 | 60 fps
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Всего комментариев: 135 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 14 »
SmiT  [ 06 декабря 2010, 17:10 ]
How am I fan of the Nostromo works, and while I do not like the last two. "Binary Overdrive" - has all the ingredients that have become part of the style of the author (60fps, dynamic, high-quality picture), but still something was missing. "Runing Man" and "Auriga" the best thing I've ever seen, "Overdrive" in comparison with them are not interested. I'm not saying that the video is bad, it's a great job, but still I do not like. Just did not like the track, for which, as I understand, and made the clip. And the most annoying for me, it really is an extra fps. At 30 frames per second clip would not worse.
In general, I can not evaluate the clip.

Nostromo, you're the best! But you work through your clips from bad to worse. IMXO
Metis  [ 06 декабря 2010, 16:55 ]
In this video the only thing is the traking well done, the rest is very bad .... I can't see flash for the timing, the track motion was crappy, and the mask at 03:09 ... You let me down, the cut scenes..... annoying and too fast for the music...Twixtor also was done incorrectly
evaluated in comparison to your previous video 2 / 10 :sad:
Walencher  [ 06 декабря 2010, 16:35 ]
говна кусок!
MentalTsui  [ 06 декабря 2010, 15:54 ]
I love it! It's really amazing. However, It doesn't really has much. I mean that I've seem more impressive work of you than this one. Despite that, it was really well done. 10 :]
Cenit  [ 06 декабря 2010, 15:48 ]
Please leave out the breaks in the middle of you videos - it just leads to people watching only segments of your videos. You did this with Pure Trust, what made it look like 3 different AMV's (and only the first was what made me like it). Maybe in this case you should have gone with the 3 min radio edit without breaks cause srsly you totally loose the flow by doing this. Anyway the last half after the break was visually very impressing - just what i expected. For the future please go back to make straight AMV's that keep viewers breathless for 5 min instead of restarting them half way through.

The calc says 9.0 so it's 9.0 from me
impr3ssiv  [ 06 декабря 2010, 15:03 ]
Nostromo you are the best !
awesome video =D
ive nothing else to say ^^
ActiveNoise  [ 06 декабря 2010, 14:47 ]
я под впечатлением :) отличное амв на любимое аниме ^_^
поставила 10 и очень надеюсь, что через неделю пересмотрю и не захочу исправить оценку на ниже :biggrin:
loony_pin  [ 06 декабря 2010, 13:13 ]
very good , but a little boring
carloscurro  [ 06 декабря 2010, 12:45 ]
Epicly awesome!
Inspires his art and flow, congratulations and good luck ^^
ЮККА  [ 06 декабря 2010, 12:23 ]
о_0 комментарий я точно читать не буду, но и без него посмотрела сначала превью, потом скачала ролик и посмотрела, потом скачала альтернативную версию. Все три раза посмотрела с большим удовольствием. От меня 10 :smile:
« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 14 »
ЗРИТЕЛИ:8.7 (170)КРИТИКИ:8.1 (39)
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