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Nude Penguin  [ Nude Penguin ]
Vienna, Austria
Sufjan Stevens touched my soul with this song back in the day when I first listened to "Carrie and Lowell". I hope to touch at least some tiny bit of yours with this video.

Thanks a lot to all the people supporting and pushing me. Great things to come. Much love.
Video    Kakushigoto
Audio    Sufjan Stevens - Fourth of July
Genre    Drama. Sentimental, Character Profile
3:15 |  | Aac
3:15 |  | Aac
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Total comments: 31 « [1] 2 3 4 »
Kvant  [ 16 September 2021, 23:22 ]
Что-то красивое и лирическое. Не могу не отметить. Хорошо)
NIGHT  [ 25 Febuary 2021, 00:41 ]
Seriously, I don’t understand how it was possible to make so many mistakes with color, brightness and contrast in this video :sad:
Bea$t  [ 19 Febuary 2021, 08:33 ]
Очень скучно и дичайший перебор блюра. Техника неплохая но без откровений.
VHenrik  [ 17 Febuary 2021, 21:18 ]
This is great. Not all of the effects and comps, but man the scene selection and the pacing is top notch, absolutely love it.
-Ridiculous  [ 14 Febuary 2021, 06:42 ]
My fav anime in 2020. Which i was deciding to edit it for a long time lol. You did a good job. Love your video. Very atmospheric.
John_AMV  [ 13 Febuary 2021, 18:14 ]
What a beautiful video.
Li0n  [ 09 Febuary 2021, 23:27 ]
What a journey this video was. Not many editors can easily convey emotion through their videos but you managed to do it in a really nice way. Also, I've never seen any amv with this anime. It looks awesome, I need to check it out! I think most of the flaws were pointed out in previous comments so im not gonna say anything about those.
Best of luck in the contest!
Tommy  [ 08 Febuary 2021, 22:31 ]
Beautiful sentimental work. It has its visual flaws, especially when text is involved, it often doesn't bleed into the backgrounds that well. And the way it starts with a big yellow text in the middle of the screen is pretty underwhelming. Still the emotional journey the amv takes you on outshines any technical shortcomings it might have. Really nice.
Nards  [ 08 Febuary 2021, 02:28 ]
 Nude Penguin @ 07 февраля 2021, 03:11 
Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

that was beautiful
Nude Penguin  [ 07 Febuary 2021, 03:11 ]
Nards Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
« [1] 2 3 4 »
AVERAGE SCORE:7.4 / 1071
VIEWERS:7.3 (18)CRITICS:7.4 (7)
EDITORS:7.6 (26)EXPERTS:7.3 (10)