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espada98 - Clear sound
 BagzNotMe! (1)
Сильная, эффектная работа, просто квинтэссенция синхронизации музыки и движения в кадре. Сколько раз не пересматривал - берёт за душу, словно в первый раз. Шедевр этого года, определенно! Автор, спасибо за клип, большое человеческое спасибо
 Darksss 73 (1)
Клип понравился своей раскруткой в монтаже (От спокойных моментов - до бешеной динамики в конце) и разнообразием в музыке = чём и цепанул меня.
 Deviant (1)
Лучшее, что было на конкурсе в этом году (кроме моего собственного клипа).
 Fukushi (1)
I really enjoy the music and the scene selection is very good…simple but worth it. Great work
 Milan21 (1)
This is the level of creativity (in aspect of technical work) what I expect from a top tier video.
It's about music and dance at the same time plus there's "B-roll" type of (atmosphere builder) scenes where it was needed for concept.
Which in itself would not be an unusual thing, but the way how the author combined them around the music and the concept is very unusulal with this high amount of overall effort.
 Oeuvre (1)
Very smooth, doesn't feel like every single footage forcing themselves to express. It's authentic that's why i like it most.
 Scara (1)
It's definitely not easy to make an enjoyable video with an instrumental song, but I really liked this one! Good job on sync and flow!
The only thing i wasn't a fan of was the sequence at 0:21. Overlays can create some cool visuals, but in this case I feel like it just ruined the colors
Other than that though, i enjoyed it
 TongSu (1)
It looks coherent.
 TakeshiAMV (2)
I like the atmosphere of the video, some masks could be done better and used in a better way like adding some cool backgrounds and effects, maybe the beginning of the video is not that great especially because it's hard to see the scenes with those effects, but the end is fun to watch and conveys emotions, nice job.
 xmissleti92x (2)
I love the theme.
 ER X (3)
Ahh i see how that scene and flow are greats! And that concept too!
 lesula (3)
nice edit!
 okhostok (3)
Хорошая чувство музыки, крутая динамика, но видеоряд не разнообразен и титры не очень хорошие
 seriy (3)
Этот клип меня приятно удивил, особенно после слов о первом участии в конкурсе. У автора очень хороший базовый монтаж, отличное чувство ритма музыки, но к сожалению и очень скудный технический скилл, который не дает в полной мере реализовать клип.
 TritioAFB (3)
nice return from you dude, I knew you from previous videos way before the hiatus I entered and this video was a surprise considering your previous works, nice level up
 Leeamv (1)
The very original presentation also artistically as conceived this project I particularly liked the inition of the scent it deserves 1 place in my humble opinion
 okhostok (1)
Не очень нравится этот клип: тексты которые не несут ценности, эффекты которые не нужны... Но всё равно это вин.
 TritioAFB (1)
It's the first time I watch a video from you dude and I'm pleased with what you've done, it's been a fresh air for me, and while I decided to pick youa s first place this time I'm expecting a good development from you
 ER X (2)
Just one word "wow"
 lesula (2)
excellent work!
 Oeuvre (2)
Giving second position because i like the idea of presenting this video. I choose this because the way author wanted expressed is get noticed by me and it get delivered nice way.
 Fukushi (3)
didn't really understand about psychedelic amv but the vfx served is cool af. I don't why there should be another anime like Kimi no Nawa
 TongSu (3)
The style used is very novel.
xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
 lesula (1)
excellent work!
 TakeshiAMV (1)
Very pleasent video to watch, some effects look very nice, the rhythm and sync is great and the overall amv has a good pace and scene selection that makes it consistent and never boring to watch, the only problem of the video is the bad cut of the song and maybe some clips that could be speeded up less. Furthermore I feel the connection between the editor and the source, which in my point of view is very important, also I like the song choice ;)
 Deviant (2)
Этот клип меня не раздражал меньше всего.
 Leeamv (2)
conan superlatively designed even if overall too many shots in the foreground but deserves great work in my opinion.
 Scara (2)
Cool concept and very fun to watch! I felt like at times the camera movements were a bit too much and it could definitely benefit from some more internal sync instead of so many cuts.
Regardless, it was a great video otherwise!
Scara - Welcome To The Abyss
 ER X (1)
I like how that scene selection and storytelling choice, idk how to describe, thats amazing to watch it
 luudanmatcuoi (1)
Idea, cut scenes sync well with the song.
Horror just jump scare but it works.
 seriy (1)
Из всех клипов этот мне понравился больше всего, поэтому он на первой строчке.
 Milan21 (2)
Very interesting combination.
The atmosphere matches perfectly, mean time the sync and flow also on the top.
I can feel the tension strongly.
 TritioAFB (2)
it's the first video I watch from you, as an editor from the horror genre I have to congratulate you becaue you knew hos to catch a good atmoshpere, I will keep an eye in you
BlackDiamondTeam - Feel Something
 Jean (2)
About loss and trying to deal with it. Action packed. The scenes packed a punch.
 Kain4ig (2)
По русски не то что бы там видел вижу круто голосуют ранее работы видел хорошо во общем.
 Leeamv (3)
done well not monotonous the story holds up some points cala hype but overall it's fine.
 luudanmatcuoi (3)
Yeah, I feel something in this video :)
 TakeshiAMV (3)
I am satisfied of this video even though I know there are some flaws, the concept might not be clear if you don't read at the description but I think some parts can be easily understood, besides it's not the typical action/drama video but it has something to convey, overall great, scene selection in some points is great, other times could be better.
 xmissleti92x (3)
All the parts were great.
Darksss 73 - МЕМЕНТО - МОРИ
 ICEberg (1)
внятный сюжет
соответствие м/в
неперегруженность фиффектами
 seriy (2)
Я обычно скептически отношусь к русским песням в амв, но в этом клипе м/в получилось очень гармоничным и помогающим проникнуться драматичной атмосферой клипа. В целом получился такой крепкий, каноничный, чисто монтажный клип без лишней ненужной грязи.
 BagzNotMe! (3)
Правильная атмосфера и четко выверенный монтаж - вот что хочется выделить в этой работе. Также заставляет задуматься о чем-то своём после просмотра, явный признак хорошего клипа! ^_^
 Fukushi (2)
i don't know why but it's makes me excited to watch it. i don't get it what the text for but i liked it
I've watched it over and over lol
 Garbatoz.AMV (1)
His AMV Is really Motivated me To chase my dream. I really love it
RaflyZalya - Shock
 Garbatoz.AMV (2)
How he tell the story, connected all the anime into one new story was so brilliant
lesula - KOTODAMA
 Oeuvre (3)
Really it's should have chosen for best trailer, it doesn't spoil any significant plot story and also ver good technical presentation.
`ZeRo - King Slayer
 Jean (3)
Talks about the difficulty of leadership and being a warrior at the same time. Made to fit the song. Action packed.
 Kain4ig (3)
Да 3 только если третий после третий и опять третий третий на след раз.:)
TakeshiAMV - Somebody That I Used to Know
 Deviant (3)
Лучшее сочетание видео с музыкой (только в моём клипе оно ещё лучше).
ZeRo ft Kain4ig - Dance Move Move and Your Problem
 TongSu (2)
The visual effects are very good.
ICEberg - Военно-полевой роман
 Jean (1)
About loss and trying to deal with it but still having to fight. The author's commentary for the video stuck with me. Feels important for our climate now.
 RaflyZalya (2)
good drama amv need more work, try hard and improve on your next project1!
Milan21 - Other Time, Different Perspective
 ICEberg (2)
хороший годный глюк
чистый психодел
и даже с каким-то развитием сюжета
 Scara (3)
I love the music and source combination, it's almost as if it was made for each other. I also like how you're working with the sound effects!
I felt like the beginning was a bit weak, both in atmosphere and editing itself, some of the cuts were a bit off beat.
On the other hand, i did enjoy the second half, when the music finally picked up, your sync got a lot better
TritioAFB - LeoStyle
 Milan21 (3)
I got what the title says.
Countless ingenious compositions with Leo styled atmosphere and dramaturgy.
luudanmatcuoi - By My Side
 Kain4ig (1)
Good good good okey.
Rika Sudzuki - Confidence
 luudanmatcuoi (2)
Great 9/10
I can understand the story.
Jean - Together, Helping Me When I Am Violently Low
 RaflyZalya (3)
good video, try to work that some scene because the quality is bad, try hard and improve on your next project!!!
Deviant - Crime Time
 RaflyZalya (1)
good action amv, try hard and improve on your next project!!
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 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2015 30.11.2015  
Hurts - Mercy
Drama, Story, Action