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buggy  [ buggy ]
Bucharest, Румыния
Видео    Grave of the Fireflies
Музыка    Röyksopp - Triumphant
Жанр    Drama
3:02 | 59,5 Мб. | 1920x800 | H.264 / aac
3:02 | 13,4 Мб. | 1920x800 | H.264 / aac
3:02 | 226 Мб. | 1920x800 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 32 « 1 [2] 3 4 »
buggy  [ 02 января 2017, 02:39 ]
it's alright, it's probably more the twixtor that makes you compare it to lolli's amv, and i was expecting that. i had to use it more like a tool than as a way to make it smoother because i needed to manipulate time..i really don't care about making 60fps amvs, it limits your scene selection, but it was almost mandatory with what i wanted to do
PieandBeer  [ 02 января 2017, 02:24 ]
Sweet! i really enjoyed that, very cool way to start a video. I know you used overlays in previous videos, it's just the ghibli source+twixtor+kinda using the overlay for to keep interest/add story onto a somewhat slow clip in the crying scene at 1:37 just kinda added up into a "oh hey this feels like ghost audition" but looking back at both vids i think it was probably an unfair statement on my part because i think your clip is actually quite different
buggy  [ 02 января 2017, 02:07 ]
yeah, it's 2.5D made by me..i've always used overlays, my previous amv "Within" consists of mostly that in the form of double exposure
NIGHT  [ 02 января 2017, 01:41 ]
Клип примечателен исключительно с точки зрения монтажа.
И здесь я имею в виду не какие-то особенные приёмы а просто фразу "занятно сделано".

Сам по себе клип никаких особых эмоций или интереса не вызывает, лично для меня печальная тема этого конкретного фильма давно перешла в разряд "заезжено по самое не могу".

И очень странно, что кодирование _alt -версии автор сделал по принципу "врежу 10 мегабит CBR битрейта и хрен с ним". В итоге там пустого веса - четверть или даже треть.
PieandBeer  [ 02 января 2017, 00:13 ]
i enjoyed this! really cool mood and i like the 2.5D you did at the beginning (that's not native in the source right? xD), I'm kinda with everyone where certain aspects kinda seemed to be part of lolili's ghibli vid (particularly the overlays) but the other stuff you did was really cool and the vid as a whole was a nice unique and eery experience. Good luck in the contest!
AiaSnTropeaS  [ 01 января 2017, 19:05 ]
8.2/10 i enjoyed it, sweet video, but im seeing too much twixtor/ 60fps AMVs lately, and its getting kinda boring. keep up the good work and good luck
MrNosec  [ 01 января 2017, 16:44 ]
I was honestly kinda hyped considering your last year's entry, and alas here we are.

I admit it feels lackluster compared to your last video, even if the interpolation is pretty good for the most part, there isn't a coherent sync pattern as the time-remaps sync to different sounds within the same scene, making it look a bit random and forced, the scene selection also feels like it wasn't made with twixtor in mind in quite a few scenes, but maybe that's just the feel you were going for, cool song though.

In the end, it might not have been the masterpiece I expected, I might have ruined the video for myself here, but that's the curse of making something good, people expect the next video to be on par or better than the last one, which in my opinion this wasn't the case.

Good luck in the contest still :wink:
7asn  [ 01 января 2017, 15:53 ]
The video had some good ideas here and there but it didnt work out for me because first it looks like ghost audition
second because it wasnt well done
Death_Kn1ght  [ 01 января 2017, 04:10 ]
Даже рядом не лежало с прошлогодним клипом , ну 60 ФПС, и что ? В остальном посредственная нарезка, с типа скрытым драматизмом, хотя те, кто смотрели сорс полюбому ничего нового и удивительного не найдут.
MesoGear  [ 01 января 2017, 03:14 ]
что-то как-то слишком грустно для новогоднего клипа
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