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AlchemistEskimo  (Ellines Nakama Productions)  [ AlchemistEskimo ]
Adelaide, Australia
This entire project has been a new experience for me since this was my first crack at doing something with a proper story and concept as well as adding crossover type elements into a video. I've also never entered a contest like akross before so first time for everything I guess!

The general story is Ladd Russo is an insane president who runs a corrupt government and a gang of rebels controlled by Claire rise up to fight him.
Video    Baccano!, Black Lagoon, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Audio    Nico Vega - Beast
Genre    Action, Drama
3:06 | 54,4 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:06 | 12,1 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 52 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
S.A. Robert  [ 02 March 2014, 20:55 ]
Клип довольно неплох, м/в по крайней мере хорошо сочетаемое и нарезано всё аккуратно, и приятно глазу.
JadeCharm  [ 05 Febuary 2014, 01:31 ]
Good storytelling and proper editing! Good luck!
Mariana  [ 03 Febuary 2014, 16:09 ]
Понравилось. Хорошо.
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 26 January 2014, 09:04 ]
Congrats for making it to the finals buddy :smile:
Vektor  [ 25 January 2014, 16:49 ]
Weak audio editing, unclear story, and nothing original for me
KEN13  [ 16 January 2014, 23:55 ]
Всё прекрасно :)
ICEberg  [ 14 January 2014, 07:50 ]
начиналась вполне годная история... скатившаяся в обычное мясо
кто эти люди? чего они хотели?
драмы не увидел, даже несмотря на финальную камеру
Saferon  [ 12 January 2014, 15:00 ]
Очень хорошо видно что автор старался,немного не нравиться такой стиль аниме но это не мешает общему восприятию видео.Лови 8ку
Domius  [ 10 January 2014, 22:16 ]
Ah cavolo me n'ero dimenticato di questo video, mi aveva preso dopo la prima visione.
E' scorrevole però nella seconda parte perde il piglio iniziale diventando solo una "mostra" di scene con sangue e pugni.
xGeminii  [ 28 December 2013, 22:36 ]
Oh yes, love that you used the Bioshock Infinite trailer song xD I actually really really enjoyed this. The story is awesome, the editing is awesome, and excellent crossover skills! This gets a 10/10 from me. Hope to see you place well, good luck! :D
« [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
AVERAGE SCORE:7.3 / 1066
VIEWERS:7.5 (112)CRITICS:7.3 (29)
EDITORS:7.0 (58)EXPERTS:7.8 (1)