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cecco  [ cecco ]
Salerno, Italy
The first time I heard the song, I immediately thought of using this anime because I think fits pretty good. About the video: I worked three weeks to complete it, at the end i'm very pleased with the final result, maybe I wanted to work more on the final part, but because of not much time I could not do this. But in the end I'm happy to participate. Thanks for watching and good luck to everyone.
Video    Various [ Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Kara no Kyoukai, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, Zetsuen no Tempest ]
Audio    Oskar Schuster - Fjarlægur
Genre    Drama, Story, Character Profile
3:00 | 65,5 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:00 | 11,8 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 23 « [1] 2 3 »
Kvant  [ 03 Febuary 2017, 03:48 ]
Качественно. Немножко скучно, хотя может просто "не в настроение".
Жанр - повседневность (и ничего кроме).
Музыкальный трек приятный.
S.A. Robert  [ 31 January 2017, 18:09 ]
Неплохая атмосфера, но клип довольно скучноват, не втянулся.
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 27 January 2017, 23:43 ]
Very cute dude, it waw worthy the waiting
777lexa777  [ 27 January 2017, 18:41 ]
на середине наоело
InsanitySupporter  [ 27 January 2017, 03:07 ]
Your editing is incredibly pretty and clean, it has a delicate vibe I love!
TBH I had problems understanding the story at first, I thought you had plot from the anime but adding a butterfly to make a reference to The Butterfly Effect movie, but reading the comments made me understand it better.
Domius  [ 21 January 2017, 21:57 ]
Go cecco go!!
Leegf  [ 20 January 2017, 18:48 ]
Thanks... Now all's clear. Still feels like a little plot gap but whatever.
Your clip it the best one with erased I've seen so far. Good luck :)
axonjunior  [ 20 January 2017, 01:20 ]
Is that just a shortened source with music? :dunno:
leolide  [ 20 January 2017, 00:28 ]
10/10 would bang :cool:
NIGHT  [ 19 January 2017, 22:29 ]
С технической стороны к клипу никаких претензий нет, всё отлично.

А вот в целом - "картинка не складывается". Незавершённость там и непонятность. Я бы даже назвал это сюжетной дырой в концовке.
Особых эмоций при просмотре тоже не вызывает.
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