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Sennin06  (Dark Prodigy Studios)  [ Sennin06 ]
Toronto, Canada
Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to have that someone special in our lives, whether it's your parents, siblings, or the one you've fallen in love with.

Life is a struggle, and at difficult times we find our selves being pushed into depression. Without looking at the positives in our lives, we tend to look towards negatives. We forget how most people in this world don't even have anyone to turn to in a time of need. We forget how blessed we're to have someone who cares for us. Cherish these moments you have with your love ones. Live your life with a smile and keep moving forward.

Bliss doesn't follow a story, but rather I've tried to convey the feelings I felt why listening to it. Hope you'll like it. Thanks for watching. :3
Video    Various [ The Garden of Words, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, 5 Centimeters per Second, Children Who Chase Lost Voices ]
Audio    Tom Day - Dreams (feat. Monsoonsiren)
Genre    Drama, Romance, Sentimental
3:11 | 71,9 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:11 | 12,0 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 28 « [1] 2 3 »
Sennin06  [ 06 July 2015, 09:35 ]
 777lexa777 @ 12 June 2015, 02:00 

777lexa777  [ 11 June 2015, 22:00 ]
а что есть драма? просто красивые кадры
Sennin06  [ 19 April 2015, 04:11 ]
You can view the final version on youtube,, or amvnews now.
And no, I actually just wanted to end it with that, but I appreciate the feedback. Thanks.
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 02 April 2015, 22:54 ]
For some reasons I feel like the ending needed more work, it felt like you had pressure to finish it too soon
Sennin06  [ 05 Febuary 2015, 06:27 ]
 RMS Lusitania @ 05 February 2015, 06:52 

hey man, thanks for such a constructive comment. appreciate it. lol. :D
RMS Lusitania  [ 05 Febuary 2015, 03:52 ]
Dan1elxs  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 12:04 ]
Kvant  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 09:35 ]
Вполне симпатичная и приятная работа. В плане сюжета и подбора кадров несколько "не доведено до ума", от того воспринимается чутка затянуто/ скучно.
Sennin06  [ 02 Febuary 2015, 23:00 ]
 Эль-тян @ 03 February 2015, 01:06 

oh, okay thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate the feedback, thanks.
Эль-тян  [ 02 Febuary 2015, 22:06 ]
 Sennin06 @ 31 January 2015, 13:26 
hmm.. sorry, I tried translating your comment but I might be reading it wrong. what do you mean pass partly? I'm not sure how I scored with judges, but this was a late submission after deadline.

Это значит что твой клип мне понравился, но частично.
Меня радует, что ты при создании клипов ставишь на первое место именно атмосферу и музыку, а не эффекты и полуголых баб.
Но даже эта работа с хорошей атмосферой и музыкой не понравилась мне так, как хотелось бы
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