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half_dream  (Vegetable team)  [ half_dream ]
Shenzhen, Китай
This is a sad love story.
It doesn't have a happy ending like a children's story.
And it's realistic.
The protagonist lost his memory and a girl want to break into his life.
By the way, you can pay special attention to the changes of the clock.
It can help you understand this AMV.
Видео    Микс [ Your Lie in April, Kyoukai no Kanata,Tokyo Ghoul, Tamako Love Story, Weathering with You, Violet Evergarden, Hyouka ]
Музыка    Madilyn Bailey - Someone You Loved
Жанр    Romance, Story, Sentimental
3:18 | 44,9 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:18 | 174 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 15 « 1 [2] »
crash88ctamv  [ 23 декабря 2019, 17:29 ]
I have to be honest I've watched the video several times on alternatives, do not look for rendering problems but because of the site I withdraw what I said, however creativity!!! there is, only you have to know how to put everything in the right place, the video and weak does not leave a mark, I recommend without exaggerating with the effects and especially assemble better masks certainly over time you will improve and you will be able to implement better your strength amv! :cool:
half_dream  [ 23 декабря 2019, 15:32 ]
Thank you. I'm a novice. It's really helpful to hear such a great suggestion! I will continue to work hard next year or other games! Thank you again for typing so many words! Thank you very much.
okhostok  [ 23 декабря 2019, 14:54 ]
Everyone experiencing glitches should watch alternative version.

You have creativity and you can think outside the box. I really liked the fact that you tried to interact with the viewer (instead of just showing) and used things that other editors do not use. )

Some notes about this work:
1) You should properly encode your video. In standard version, there are a lot of glitches, especially, in transitions.
2) There are a lot of inaccuracies in this work, for example:
a) At 2:00, the trailing stars must be under sky, not on top of that.
b) Use more capitalizing (It is better to capitalize if you are unsure), this may ruin whole mood.
c) You could have used something else instead of face blurring, it is lazy method and does not look well.
d) At 1:32, inaccurate movement of the text, you should learn how to use trackers for these kind of movements.
e) There are a lot of cheap and unnecessary effects.
3) Do not write the contents of the clip to the description. Why do we need to watch clip, if we can just read the description and predict what will happen?

As a summary:
I will be honest, it is a bit weak video, but it is not your mistake, it is just lack of experience. Wish you good luck in the future.
crash88ctamv  [ 22 декабря 2019, 23:53 ]
Hi, I've seen the video several times... it has many rendering errors perhaps.... the faces covered with the blur 1:26 - 1:30 ruin the originality that you want the mask 3:03 doesn't fit at all.... on this dense analysis you should give more attention to the effects and the masks that you apply good luck for the contest.....
SkyCold  [ 22 декабря 2019, 18:05 ]
Is a story very sad, I like you production skills,like something....how to say.... Elegant and beautiful, but without losing the impact. Yep something like that...
« 1 [2] »
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