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lolligerjoj  [ lolligerjoj ]
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Here's my video. I planned to make an AMV ages ago, and now I finally did it. (will you look at that!)
When I began working on it, I had no idea that this series is that overused. I actually didn't know anything about making AMVs. That hopefully changed over the past months, because... well, I made an AMV.
Twixtor. I used it for a lot of GMVs and it seemed only natural for me to use it for this AMV as well. I didn't want the "pseudo-frameblending" that is used in most 60FPS-videos (Twixtor over footage => frameblending only between differing frames => "high-level-stuttering") , which meant I had to go through everything I recorded and remove every duplicate frame of an animation manually with time-remapping. It doesn't surprise me anymore that I didn't see a single editor who's done that before ... (Update: Seems like I didn't know Artofeel)
A shoutout to Kraddy, because his tracks are simply phenomenal to edit to.

Also, have some additional technical facts:
Editing-Software: Adobe After Effects CS6
VideoCopilot Twitch
VideoCopilot Optical Flares
Trapcode Shine
Audio-Software: Adobe Audition CS6
Video    Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari
Audio    Kraddy - Into The Labyrinth
Genre    Action, Psychedelic, Other
5:10 | 185 Mb. | 1280x526 | H.264 / AAC
5:10 | YouTube
5:10 | 373 Mb. | 1920x790 | H.264 / AAC
185 Mb. | 1280x526 | H.264 / AAC
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Total comments: 39 « [1] 2 3 4 »
DEDninja  [ 15 January 2016, 02:47 ]
Это нереально божественно!!!!!
Пару лет не подучал ТАКОГО огромного удовольствия от ПЕРВОГО просмотра!!
Лучшее из лучших психоделов и техникомейкеров)
Мои 10 и браво :applause: :applause: :applause:
CiF  [ 06 Febuary 2015, 23:29 ]
этому клипу место в Акроссе 2014. жаль автор не его выставил )
Маркиза  [ 21 June 2014, 21:41 ]
8/10, очень хорошо вышло :applause:
blackcatgirl508  [ 04 March 2014, 00:42 ]
Amazing! this is defiantly one of the all time best videos!
Nook93  [ 27 January 2014, 21:18 ]
eto prosta ... da eto nastoyashshiy trud)))
Зубрило  [ 17 January 2014, 18:54 ]
Интересно мне кажется или подлагивает музыка :tv: и или плеер тормозит изза высокого разрещения? :wow:
lazervolk  [ 10 January 2014, 05:45 ]
Страшно подумать сколько времени на это ушло..... Отменное AVM. :smile:
Armed  [ 06 January 2014, 19:57 ]
Приятный наркотик, рекомендую попробовать! :wink: 10/10
TerraGust  [ 06 January 2014, 17:41 ]
I was like, " What the f- did I just see?!" and then it dawned on me , inspired man, inspired
Cour  [ 02 December 2013, 08:37 ]
loved it, one of my favorites. 11/10 :biggrin:
« [1] 2 3 4 »
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