Sunlight says: After 3 months of hard work we're glad to finally be able to present this project.
So about 9 months ago me and Danilo (gabberMD) decided we wanted to collaborate.. at first we were planning a simple IC, though it was canceled as neither of us had time. The same happened 6-7 months ago when we decided to join Japan Expo; I had important exams and Dani was very far from editing at that time. And finally 4 months ago we had a chance to start working!
So I started thinking about story and anime, we've never made crossovers and I thought it would be cool to try something new. We started searching for scenes, characters, etc. After long research I found the perfect song, it was pretty rare and cool and also helped us with conveying the story! I want to say that it was a very interesting and fun experience. We've learned so much from each other and I think our combination of skills were perfect for a crossover even though as I said we had never given it a shot before :D
This time it was quite a big project with a lot of new ideas and difficult scenes to create. We wanted to make something new and original that nobody has made before. I think we did great with altering scenes and colours of clothing and hair, and recreating backgrounds with different objects, lights and shadows.
It was a very good experience, though we also had a lot of problems because my computer was always crashing (bluescreen), and sometimes our ideas about scenes were different or clashed, and because of this we had couple fights but we're glad that it ended well and compromise was found.
I don't want to talk too much about the story as I'm sure everyone will understand it well. Just one note is to look at the dates, they're purposeful and will help you better understand!
gabberMD says: Like Nikala (Sunlight) said finally after so long time we were able to make our first collab together.
It was funny and there were some difficult decisions, but we made it in the end and I think came out pretty good.
So yeah I wanted to talk about manipulations that we made it was problem with some scenes because almost every scene characters had different clothes and i changed them (jackets, shoes etc)
and this was my first time that I applied my Photoshop knowledge into a video! was a bit tedious to edit stuff frame by frame but I'm really happy with the result!
Well Nikala pretty much said the rest =)
We want to thank Fury, ItsAvient and other cool people for helping us with some stuff.. you guys rock!
So yeah, we hope you will enjoy, and happy viewing!
божэ, тем! Что по принципу реализации данного клипа это все тот же мыслительный ход, что и в работах имени того кого нельзя называть.
божэ, чем? здесь ведь нет кирпичнолицого))0 нет, ну правда
смотрелось вполне себе скучновато ._. в ноябре он, значит, в пальто бегает, а она в юбочке и кофточке(( ещё этот Saturday резанул глаза, прямо фу
короче говоря, лайкате только свою девулю, и будет всё хорошо :с вполне себе злободневно))0
титры вот крутецкие
love the coloring and creativity in this, and interesting story as well.
Hope you don't get arrested for those damn illegal credits gj! and good luck!
Ну хоть бы не то, что в прошлый раз. Вот это вот радует.
Очередной закос под кросс романтику аля Umika. Сама работа конечно понравился, но подобные реализации уже стоят поперек горла. Общее впечатление, я это уже видел и наелся.
А в остальном конечно молодцы, что приняли участие и подарили конкурсу отличную работу. Титры вообще читерские, я их даже оценивать не стану, совершенно не формат.