I would voting you for the best story if we were able to choose which one was best out of all of the finals instead of a preselected 4 or 5. I regret not voting for you in the top 10 best since I considered you. as you see I mentioned the button got pressed by accident. you do not deserve 0 points. I you might not have been the best of all but you did have the best story.
I have never seen the animation used but I was inspired and moved by the expressions and emotions of the characters. I think it was a good drama AMV that conveyed the quality of this animation.
Darksss 73 a bit rude to be talking about my Nickelback video from this year for comparison but let us continue. you have a decent simple storyline going. I will also limit I will also admit I did feel emotion in this. The same time it was not complex enough like everyone else has said.
I think it was a good drama AMV that conveyed the quality of this animation.
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