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kirin  (IORI Studios)  [ kirin91 ]
Shizuoka, Japan
Japan has four seasons.There is also in the anime season.
This video was made to focus on the season.
The story has a seasonal stream.spring,summer,autumn,winter...and spring comes back.
Each season features if you have, it appears to the activities and nature.
Also appearing in people's facial expressions, I think.
Watch this video want to pay attention to people living in "Four Seasons".

For editing :
Each one has a long scene. The clarity of the season by viewing the flowers and leaves and background .
Masking is not used, the effect can only several places. (To show the original anime.)
Video    Various [ 5 Centimeters Per Second, Rideback, Kobato, Katanagatari, Clannad, Sekirei, K-On!, IDOLM@STER, Toradora!, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Macross Zero, Macross Frontier, A-Channel, Utawarerumono, Kanon (2006), True Tears, Wolf and Spice, Kimi ni Todoke, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyo no Gononi, Kara no Kyoukai ]
Audio    Two Steps from Hell - Eyes Closing
Four Seasons0:00/ 0:00
2:19 | 46,5 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:19 | 4,59 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 52 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
dem-666  [ 19 March 2012, 20:27 ]
задумка хороша,но мастерства маловато,хотя неплохо
DEDninja  [ 30 January 2012, 15:58 ]
Мило) но это набор красивых моментов, не более
Takiyama  [ 02 January 2012, 23:59 ]
не красиво не атмосферно и не цепануло!!((извините...
S.A. Robert  [ 29 December 2011, 01:20 ]
Под настроение пойдет, наличие минимального концепта в плюс.
777lexa777  [ 28 December 2011, 17:30 ]
красиво, атмосферно, но! не цепануло!!!! :sad:
Zaitzzz  [ 26 December 2011, 13:39 ]
wow this is beautiful! :applause:
_Grach_  [ 25 December 2011, 17:30 ]
Что то не так, не пойму что но клип цельным не кажется.
Vivern Def  [ 24 December 2011, 15:46 ]
Красивая работа. Музыку хотелось бы более жизнерадостную, на мой взгляд м/в не совсем подходило.
Bjoerndalen  [ 20 December 2011, 20:04 ]
Хорошая идея со слабой реализацией. 5\10.
HydraStar  [ 20 December 2011, 17:31 ]
I liked the concept and editing. Nice work :)
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