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Saint Galmier, France
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I'M SO CLASSY was created in collaboration with the Canadian based music sensation JESSE VALENTINE aka F-777.

From the beginning that I make AMVs, I almost always used music from amateur author and non-professionals to musicaly support my videos (the only exception is Brain Kepher). There is an incredible amount of hidden talent that, despite of all their efforts, fail to break into the music field. To thank these people for the inspiration they give me, I wanted to be more ambitious.

The electro composer that I present you today is someone very important to me, basically because he's my favourite of all the amateur music scene in the field of electronica. This guy is a pure self-taught genius who managed to impress me especially by the incredible variety of his style (from the house / Dance to Trance, then industrial, Drum'n'Bass and all variations of the Orchestral) and by the technical quality of his tracks. But what inspires me the most about Jesse is the fact that on some of his albums he gets to marry his style to a particular theme.

And it's the case of this AMV's music. To be fair, It is now an eternity that this collaboration between the electro composer and me started. It was really difficult, time consuming and laborious, but I wanted to do something at the height of the music I promoted today. Yes, this AMV is the official video of the musical album "I'm So Classy" out during this year. The album is definitely the biggest achievement of the author for me. Mixing sublimely the classical borrowed from the lighthouses years 20s- 30s- 40s- 50s with a very pronounced Jazz sound. The whole put on a furious and a very efficient electronic baseline. Welcome to the world of Electro swing !

The AMV I show you today is mainly driven by the classy theme of the music, using numerous references to the glorious 20s- 30s until the late 70s. The clip is stained mainly by animes, but also a few live scenes characterizing dances themes that can be appropriate to classicism.

The Making-of was initially made for the composer, But I thought it might be a good idea to share it with you guys for the contest.

So don't forget to take a look at his Bandcamp:
And Support him on his facebook page:

Hope you Enjoy ! And don't forget to stay Classy !
Video    Various [ Angel Beats!, Baby Princess 2D, Baccano!, Bakemonogatari, Bad Apple, Black Butler, Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me animation, Cobow Bebop, Code Geass, Control Bear short animation film, Danganronpa - The Animation, Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, Darker than Black, Death Note, Evangelion, Fate/Zero, Fairy Tail, Gosick, Golden Time, Heartcatch Precure!, Hoshi o Ou Kodomo, Interstella 5555, K-ON!, Kiss X sis, Koroshiya-san, Koko ni iru (yasuo_muroi), La storia della Arcana Famiglia, Lucky Star, Mawaru Penguindrum, Mayo Chiki, Mirai Nikki, Monogatari Series : Second Season, Nisemonogatari, Paprika, REDLINE, Robot Carnival, Sakamichi no Apollon, Sankarea, Seitokai no Ichizon, Shinjuku The Film, Short live dancing films, Sora no Otoshimono, Soul Eater, THE iDOLM@STER, The World God Only Knows 2, Tarboy animation, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Kirameki Yoko Box, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Legend of Korra, Vampire Knight, Wakfu, Walkure Romanze, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru, Zero no Tsukaima, Zetsuen no Tempest ]
Audio    Jesse Valentine (F-777) - I'm So Classy
Genre    Dance, Fun
2:46 | 42,8 Mb. | 768x432 | H.264 / aac
2:46 | 10,7 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
2:46 | 111 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
60,2 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 86 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 »
Strat  [ 07 Febuary 2015, 18:15 ]
Masterpiece on dance genre :)
FobosAMV  [ 06 December 2014, 17:44 ]
Идеальная атмосфера, проникся. 10.
ken1_ken1  [ 03 August 2014, 22:11 ]
Сразу видно много работы и много души) Четко )) 10 *ЧИРИК* :smile:
CRAB  [ 02 April 2014, 19:09 ]
OMG :wow:
Spiritus_Tenebrosus  [ 05 March 2014, 19:36 ]
9/10 Респект! Работа замечательная. На мой взгляд она самая лучшая на Акроссе ^^
S.A. Robert  [ 28 Febuary 2014, 02:10 ]
У автора всегда выходят креативные работы, выделяющие его из серой массы авторов копирующих друг у друга, всякие технические фишечки. В итоге вышло очень даже неплохо, необычный дэнс-клип со своеобразной стилизацией, посмотрел с интересом, поставил отлично.
Zloddy  [ 25 Febuary 2014, 23:37 ]
its WOW! 8))) great! stylish!
KEN13  [ 17 Febuary 2014, 00:21 ]
Музыка на подобия Funк но очень ритмичная, спасибо :)
ZaRish  [ 15 Febuary 2014, 19:38 ]
Что ни как. Вроде денс, а вроде и нет. Похоже на работу Кваки, но без одной конкретной идеи. Первая половина почти замечательная. Вторая слабовата.
Ellfin  [ 13 Febuary 2014, 00:36 ]
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