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moopet  [ moopet ]
New Jersey, USA
"Open Doors" tells the story about the love and dedication two people have with one another despite the trials and tribulations they may experience.

In the beginning a young boy (Mushishi) is being treated for a sudden illness by a grumpy, old doctor (Tsutomu Mukae - Kids on the Slope/ Maiden Rose) who is known for being a grouch throughout the village. When the boy discovers he is ill, sorrow sweeps over his household. However, his happiness is returned to him when his "Senpai" (先輩) and guardian (Katou Youji - Haru wo Daite Ita / Kusaka Touma - Fuyu no Semi) drops by for a visit.

In the present, the boy is all grown up (Iwaki Kyosuke - Haru wo Daite Ita/ Akazuki Keiichirou) and flips through an old picture book with his Senpai when the two of them visited his mother's shrine. All was well then, but soon our protagonist is diagnosed with an illness (cancer) and has to undergo a countless amount of treatments in order to prolong his life.

However dreadful, the Senpai (先輩) never dares to abandon his kōhai (後輩). Throughout the story the viewer will notice the change of heart each of the characters have, leading to the end credits when it is up to him or her to decide whether our protagonist survives this illness or not.
Video    Various [ Haru wo Daiteita Fuyu no Semi, Tokyo Ghoul, Kuroshitsuji, Book of Circus, Zankyou no Terror, Free!, Eternal Summer, Attack on Titan, The Disapperance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kids on the Slope, Hotarubi no mori, 5 centimeters per second Inari, Konkon, Koi iroha OVA, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Garden of Words, Clannad, Say I Love You, Mushishi ]
Audio    Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Genre    Romance, Drama
Open Doors0:00/ 0:00
4:28 | 37,6 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:28 | 6,20 Mb. | 480x272 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 41 « [1] 2 3 4 5 »
777lexa777  [ 09 June 2015, 23:59 ]
RMS Lusitania  [ 05 Febuary 2015, 01:01 ]
Dan1elxs  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 11:56 ]
ICEberg  [ 30 January 2015, 16:54 ]
где драма?
где романтика?
E_lis  [ 20 January 2015, 18:59 ]
I really don't like this technique. The eternal blur looks bad. Very bad. But I foolow your idea and mood. You have awesome song and you know it. You use it. Due to this song video looks better.
Miso  [ 19 January 2015, 22:29 ]
nice Story, bit melancholic, i like it.^^
DEDninja  [ 18 January 2015, 21:03 ]
Из-за размытости и такого способа подчеркнуть важное как яркость плохо воспринимается эта работа.
Strat  [ 03 January 2015, 16:43 ]
Very good video. 9/10
Akito - Neto  [ 03 January 2015, 07:06 ]
good story. :smile:
Anicsi  [ 21 December 2014, 20:40 ]
Ahh, i love this song, and Fuyu no Semi is pretty much the saddest story like... ever. First of all, it is amazing what kind of story you created with the sources. You took great care while choosing different scenes and trying to blend in foreign elements to make them match the storyline. I know how hard it is to create a story from scratch, and you really managed that well!

What I do have to criticize is the red/green effect you used on the source. It really distracted and distorted the image. I hope to see your video again without it! Secondly, you have a lot to learn in technical work. Creating neat and clean masks and proper movement when manipulating a scene. However, I think your effort really shows and if you just practice on these things, I'm sure your next video will be much better in that aspect :) I loved the video nonetheless!
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