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Enigmo  (CNX)  [ EnIgMoZz2 ]
London, England
In a world of lonely naruto souls, comes the invasion of a ruthless man who has NO SYMPATHY.

Special thanks to:
-Nobody, I did all of this shit by myself, nigga

Oh and I made the second part on Vegas...yh i'm pro, i knw
Video    Naruto, Naruto Shippuuden, Dragon Ball
Audio    U.N.K.L.E. - Lonely Soul, Kanye West - Stronger
Genre    Story, Drama
No Sympathy0:00/ 0:00
1:41 | 31,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
1:41 | 7,05 Mb. | 640x360 | H.264 / mp3
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Total comments: 60 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
Ice Titan  [ 14 July 2018, 17:23 ]
Лысый чувачок все испортил
777lexa777  [ 11 June 2015, 18:44 ]
не любитель таких работ
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 06 Febuary 2015, 05:58 ]
this was similar to what I did here, with the difference that I'm actuallty singing this song, I modified my voice though:

I liked the krillin part and I mean it. Make the extended version of this with Krillin seriously
InsanitySupporter  [ 06 Febuary 2015, 04:53 ]
Too bad this didn't get into finals, this would have won.
RMS Lusitania  [ 05 Febuary 2015, 03:30 ]
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Nicokun  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 17:39 ]
Can't lie, i voted 12
Dan1elxs  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 11:29 ]
Genetix  [ 01 Febuary 2015, 02:37 ]
What can I vote this? 10? no this deserves to have a special vote this is just SOMETIHNG ELSE this is just sympathetically amazing I never even dreamed of watching something this good, gg wp.
I vote this, Akross Winner forever.
IRV  [ 31 January 2015, 03:57 ]
This video should be named "Fear and Loathing in Sony Vegas".
KEN13  [ 30 January 2015, 23:30 ]
Не могу подобрать нужных слов, извиняюсь.
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