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Manaus, Brazil
Video    Nakedyouth, Naruto Shippuuden
Audio    Yasuharu Takanashi - Kabuto's Theme
Genre    Other
2:05 | 31,7 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:05 | 8,34 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 30 « [1] 2 3 »
777lexa777  [ 09 June 2015, 23:40 ]
RMS Lusitania  [ 05 Febuary 2015, 00:55 ]
Gwench  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 15:51 ]
 E_lis @ 20 January 2015, 02:16 
You know this video makes strange impression. I like it but I don't quite understand. I hope you'll make smth else

I think the same way... Strange feeling. But interesting.
Dan1elxs  [ 04 Febuary 2015, 11:40 ]
ICEberg  [ 30 January 2015, 11:02 ]
профайл не раскрыт
повторы кадров

музыка не обыграна никак
рандомная нарезка под фон
E_lis  [ 20 January 2015, 04:16 ]
You know this video makes strange impression. I like it but I don't quite understand. I hope you'll make smth else
DEDninja  [ 11 January 2015, 23:59 ]
В данной работе профайл не открыт, повседневный быт и что "жизнь это движение" понятно, но тут ни как не отображает происходящее, в общем то и все. Клип вышел слабоват.
От меня 3.5 / 10
KEN13  [ 09 December 2014, 00:00 ]
Вроде из Наруто музыка. Так ну что по поводу клипа, благодаря музыке держал какое то время в напряжении (думаю можно было сделать что-то наподобие ужастика или хоррора). Побольше бы драматический или эпических сцен и может вышел бы на отлично.
xGeminii  [ 08 December 2014, 21:00 ]
This was such a weirdly haunting video. I'm very much intrigued by your concept; didn't totally get it, but I imagine it's something about youth getting overwhelmed by life and the possibilities or obligations perhaps?? Anyways, this had a beautiful aesthetic to it. 7/10 only because the concept was a bit too vague. Good luck! :)
Mosaic  [ 04 December 2014, 05:55 ]
The video was plagued by this condensed ominous feeling that never fell off. Fits best in the "Serious"/"Sentimental" genre (depending on how you see it), but yeah: it just doesn't work as "Character Profile" mostly because it doesn't add any depth to any of the characters that were displayed.

Very solid piece with some interesting moments.

 Artofeel @ 21 November 2014, 13:52 

This work is completely unrelated with mine. Your comment is irrelevant.
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