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dydyfredosh  [ dydyfredosh ]
Paris, France
first:please comment in english because,i don't understand russian.

in this amv i tried to create a story original.monte cristo wants the end of the humanity,so he sends several terrorists to destroy the world.

first they attack U.S.A.Unfortunately,F.B.I members did not arrive to stop them.Secondly,they attack Japan,but japan secret services succeed to stop them.

Terrorists are dead,monte cristo's project failed,the world is saved.

To complete,I would like to say that there is not political allusions.Of course terrorist attacks shocked and sadden me ,so I wanted to realise in this AMV a happy ending that means the end of Terrorism.

I hope you will understand and appreciate it.
Video    Various [ The Animatrix, Darker than Black, Ergo Proxy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Gankutsuou, Genius Party, Ghost in the Shell, Kara no Kyoukai, Karas, Ken (Raoh Story), Parasite Dolls, Reideen, Read or Die, Tekkon Kinkreet, A Spirit of the Sun ]
Audio    Bloc Party - Pioneers
Genre    Story, Action
3:47 | 37 Mb. | 720x368 | H.264 / aac
3:47 | 5,59 Mb.
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Total comments: 62 « 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 »
Ukito  [ 04 November 2009, 13:56 ]
за старание 7 . мне не очень.
Teresa Chan  [ 04 November 2009, 13:23 ]
Un tres bon travail.... A examine jusqu'a la fin... 9/10 Mais quoi cela n'a pas suffi.... ^ _ ^
Archer090  [ 04 November 2009, 12:59 ]
Takaicubasa  [ 04 November 2009, 12:21 ]
неплохо...наврное 7
AGE  [ 04 November 2009, 11:51 ]
Clip performed decently.
Everything was done well not forced, and easy.
On this 8 / 10.
E.L.L.E.  [ 04 November 2009, 08:26 ]
ни чего разобрать нельзя....
Andyme  [ 04 November 2009, 01:50 ]
Oh, that brigns back memories! Once, I also made an amv using this song. :)
The amv was quite good, but technically could have been done better. Also, If I didn't read the story you had written about in the commentary I couldn't have been able to understand it, and this gives the amv some negative points. But It must have been very difficult to edit, so Keep it up! :wink: :smile:
Bjakua  [ 04 November 2009, 01:28 ]
Предыдущий клип сегодняшний доставил больше.
А так как после него адекватность у меня на нуле я ставлю 1

нет 3...

НУ хотя можно и 6.. почему нет...

Может 10... не, всё же 6... х_Х
PeythoN  [ 04 November 2009, 00:49 ]
so entertaining...7
cblpoera  [ 04 November 2009, 00:39 ]
hey, don't worry.. We white just minus, but there are a lot of good sides in your AMV. And the marks are under average.
« 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 »
AVERAGE SCORE:6.1 / 1052
VIEWERS:6.4 (64)CRITICS:6.1 (25)
EDITORS:5.9 (67)EXPERTS:3.2 (1)