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[03.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Не понравилось. 4/10 Мешанина какая-то. Исходники друг с другом вообще не сочетаются.
[03.01.2014] Sephi » Madness [Kami]
C'est bien
[03.01.2014] xGeminii » Madness [Kami]
Love the effects in this! They're very beautifully done :3
9/10 good luck! ^^
[03.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
..... Are you calling yourself a critic? Really? A critic's job is to make a criticism and then explain what they've just said. So go ahead and explain exactly how the sync is bad. And mate, you might want to take some lessons on time, because the actual AMV is still below 2 mins. BUT, before you take those lessons, explain how the sync is bad. I'm just interested in learning how to critique like a pro critic such as yourself.
[03.01.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Antithesis [Enigmo]

Well that's truth. You can get all the 10s you want, or in the opposite case, all the 1s you want, and they are useless considering that videos arent selected due their scores
[03.01.2014] xGeminii » Get Off [BerlitzxXx]
Ohhh nice job Yuu!!! :DD this looks really cool *O* And I love all of the game elements!! This poor guy 8'l Good luck!!! <33 9/10 from me :3
[03.01.2014] xGeminii » Pandora [Centurione]
I adore this video!!! *O* Love all of the recoloring you did, and the spooky yet sexy atmosphere x33 I expect you to place really high missy ;DD amazing job!!!! <33
[03.01.2014] Naijiko » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Waw :wow: if you take bad critics, is not my problem
I do not like your AMV, I tell you what's wrong and you, you take it wrong.
But GG to have finally made a clip of more than 2min :biggrin:
[03.01.2014] Istrik » Madness [Kami]
Как интересно, вроде бы сорс - баян, но сам клип тащит. Автору респект. В особенности за то, что удалось избежать очередного "Ханекава и ее ср*ная кошка", коих ныне тысячи.

Синхра иногда прихрамывает и баян, все же, остается баяном. 8/10.
[03.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
 Naijiko @ 03 January 2014, 19:58 

Obviously the English site thing was a joke.... And whoa.... now it's time for me to ask: are you kidding me? The sync was bad? Now opinions are one thing, but saying the sync is bad is not an opinion, so please, explain how on earth the sync is bad. The fact that there is so much sync while all looking natural is a God-like feature that most AMVs don't have.... honestly, I hope EvilSpider was telling the truth when he told me the votes you guys give don't matter so much
[03.01.2014] Naijiko » Antithesis [Enigmo]

You kidding me ?

".ru" significated what ?
This is an russian site

And for your AMV ?
Synch is bad, transitions are bad and it really is too random :(
Sorry. :laugh:
[03.01.2014] Cour » She's Gone [overture]
Great video
[03.01.2014] Cyberphobia » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Now talking seriously, I love this style of edit. I don't think AMVs need to have complex story or anything, just awesome anime plus awesome music. I've see your vid like, 5 times and i´m bored yet.
Btw, how much I need to pay for you to make a collab with me? /jk

8.9/10 :lol:
[03.01.2014] AlexxAMV » Antithesis [Enigmo]
i am a amateur ...i did not quite like it tho...u have some good internal somethimes..but just seems to be lacking effort
[03.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Speak English, this is an English site
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil449
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate410
3.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled313
4.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON294
5.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me281
6.Umika - Traumerei265
7.Nostromo - Running Man256
8.Aggressor - Act of Genesis247
9.S studio - D-ON!241
10.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival235
11.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God231
12.Crossfade - The Stage230
13.Aggressor - De:Light230
14.SilentMan - Drawn Dream218
15.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast209
16.Gidra - fu logic!207
17.impr3ssiv - noize203
18.EvilSpider - Revenge199
19.Aggressor - Code: Ecchi196
20.goЯz - Fracture195
21.VIDOK - Sexy191
22.Umika - Sincerity182
23.zzerg - Год АМВ182
24.Q&A - ChillOut177
25.zzerg - МаLLинки174
Wolf's Rain
Фактор страха - Ночь
Action, Drama
Шёпот Ливня - Дистанция
Story, Drama
 AKROSS CON 2007 WINNER 15.12.2007  
Skin - Nothing But
Drama, Romance