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[18.12.2013] Scittalec » Resist, Revolt, Rebuild [AlchemistEskimo]
Nice one. There is a style and atmosphere. Only ending seems a little below the level.
[18.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
So AWESOME, it's my favorite video in this year's con, everything is so perfect, I have no words to describe it *-*
[18.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » FOREVER [Pojmoni]
First AMV?
[18.12.2013] xDieguitoAMV » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
love it :wow:
awesome job mdl
[18.12.2013] Neb » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Comment on dit que c'est "une tuerie" en russe ? ^^
Bravo MDL ... excellent !
[18.12.2013] D4RK » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Master. Once more you've proven your the best <33
[18.12.2013] MagicDarkLight » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Thanks for the newest comments! Centurione, I'm glad you could feel the passion haha !
I'd like to add something about the song, actually, lyrically, it does fit quite well imo. And what's more is that the original PV is showing a romance with some scenes with the band rocking out. Well my interpretation is not too far from that, in brief it's romance, with a shonen life where they make mangas and compete with their rival(s). So yeah, just to bring some arguments to explain why I think it fits.
[18.12.2013] PrincessKairy » Downfall: Absolution [diegao94]
Oh, I forgot to comment the video.
As you already know, I don't like it, I find that the action is too much slow in a lot of points of the song. However, I'll give you a 10/10 just to rebalance the average that Kristoo has ruined with a random 1/10 ;)
[18.12.2013] Shiver » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
The story build-up was pretty cool but I agree with Yusuke on the song, it doesn't fit at all with this type of video.
[18.12.2013] Алхимик_67 » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
[18.12.2013] Shiver » Unbreakable [Laxx]
Needs some action and cool transitions, I don't see so much effort in this. 4/10
[18.12.2013] ASiR » FOREVER [Pojmoni]
Посмотрел данный клип и решил сделать оценку по принципу за каждое что понравилось ставить +1 бал, что не понравилось -1 бал. Вот что вышло

+1 за попытку что то сделать
+2 за краткость клипа (уже нарушил, но всего за 1 минуту терпения не жалко)
-1 за качество исходника (неужели Наруто нельзя было найти не 640*480 исходник?)
-1 за бессмысленную подпись на всем протяжении внизу
-1 за качество монтажа (если вырезку менее десятка сцен из одной серии можно так назвать)
-1 за отсутствие сюжета и всего того что описано в поле "жанр"...


Но с минусом ставить нельзя, поэтому мы его уберем.
[18.12.2013] andrewbee » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Just saw your other amvs. You have really improved and it seems as the years go by, you tone down the speed by a decimal point :D Will hope to see more of this and you re welcome.
[18.12.2013] ASiR » Stolknovenie [Perelom]
Улыбнуло. 8/10 за оригинальность.
[18.12.2013] OkilL » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Really great \o/, love the ambience you put in this one and you try a lot of really cool effects (especially with the manga effect) nothing more to say than: GG ma gueule !
1.ukms[z] - Fade To Blue96.4
2.Nostromo - Auriga95.9
3.Bea$t - Beast Within93.8
4.Aggressor - De:Light92.1
5.Костоправ - Wolf's Pain88.8
6.Aggressor - Bakadance!88.4
7.zzerg - МаLLинки88.1
8.Костоправ - Clarissa87.8
9.cheb- - mINDhIGHLIGHTZ87.7
10.Tayo - Pale Sun87.6
11.SilentMan - My Super Girlfriend85.7
12.Aggressor - Forever Angel85.3
13.narutomaniac - Yakitate85.1
14.tan_elorn - Danse Macabre84.7
15.Gidra - Ooop... it's Hyakko84.6
16.Pokich - Der Mutterruf84.5
17.lolligerjoj - Into The Labyrinth84.3
18.EvilSpider - Silence (director's cut)84.2
19.Noks - Bad Guy84.0
20.79D37'fallout' - Tin:)83.8
21.Alex Daikou - awakening when you are...83.8
22.Костоправ - No Mercy83.7
23.Pokich - Однажды83.7
24.Aggressor - Cross†Point83.4
25.Fusion Z & Shepherd - Bustling83.3
[ full rating ]
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