For the manga portion of this video, I accomplished many things that I had always thought myself too lazy to hassle with, so I am pleased about that. I feel that nothing else has to be said. First participation in this contest, woo woo. Feast your ears on the beautiful musical stylings of Jesse McCartney (every pre-teen girl's fantasy) paired with the loveliness that is Ichigo and Rukia.
Jesse McCartney - The Best Day of My Life
Romance, Fun
A Day in the Life of a Substitute Shinigami0:00/ 0:00LIVEAudioSubtitle
I'd give this a 10/10, but I didn't like the panning on the manga portion so much. But everything else was totally perfect, and this is one of my favorites this year for sure. (: So 9/10, good luck to you! The concept was original and refreshing. ^^
Попытка сделать не очередной "Экшен" по Бличу отлично получилась. У него ("BLEACH") есть большущий потенциальный материал, чтобы делать не только зубодробительные "месилова", но и трагические душещипательные AMV. Автор молодец - увидел это, но по-своему. Жаль, что он американец.