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[05.01.2015] InsanitySupporter » I am only human [Ahmed]
The problem here is that you can't avoid comparing this to the Aken AMV...
Maybe you had the idea before or without knowin that one, but it is something difficult.
Even if you don't compare this to the aken's one, I can see that you need to work a bit on some technical parts.
You can get inspiration from others' pieces, but you need to mention it and add it a different approach (a great example is Boxxed)
Hope we can see an original work from you soon.
[05.01.2015] InsanitySupporter » OverWritten [DanParthenis]
Your composition skills are very good.
Your storytelling isn't bad, but I think you need to work on them if you have write the story/concept in the video description.
Still a great video.
[05.01.2015] InsanitySupporter » bitter sis love [FY.DUCK]
I think that you had a good idea, and your concept can make a great video.
You need to improve the technical aspect, like sync and masking.
Also, if you intend to make a mix/crossover, you have to pay attention to details.
[05.01.2015] AnimeFanaticBoy » Battles for heart [Zhan]
actually this kind of song works for this serie... somehow. Not bad
[05.01.2015] Широ » Battles for heart [Zhan]
я хз при чем тут Романтика, как бы в начале что то было и все, а так норм, кто то писал про ахинею... так это же психодел
[04.01.2015] Megamen » Battles for heart [Zhan]
Bakemonogatari, Monogatari Series: Second Season

Когда Инвокер на мидле ♫♪♫♪
Это гг детка, это гг ♫♪♫♪
И лишь звучат в ночи ♫♪♫♪
Крики украинского расиста ♫♪♫♪
Репорт ! Репорт ссаному пианисту ♫♪♫♪
[04.01.2015] Эль-тян » Battles for heart [Zhan]
Под конец какая-то ахинея прямо, для конкурса очень слабо
[04.01.2015] Strat » Battles for heart [Zhan]
Artistic: 9
Technical: 8
Music/Video: 10
Personal: 10
I really loved the sync dude!
[04.01.2015] Fotsh » Battles for heart [Zhan]
good. 7.5
[04.01.2015] Comons » Battles for heart [Zhan]
Прикольно , очень понравилось )
[04.01.2015] AlexxAMV » The Sky's The Limit [Kis@]
verry pleasant
[04.01.2015] AnimeFanaticBoy » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
like expected from you. The only thing i'll say about this is: I would have replaced the japanese text at certain moments, overall was very good.I like the memes from this serie,
[04.01.2015] Strat » With Lightning Speed [John]
OMG I've always watched this AMV and I didn't that you were the editor. You have make this AMV when I hadn't started editting o.O. I have 0 possibilities xD
[04.01.2015] Strat » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
Damn! this is a good amv!! >.< 7.5/10
[04.01.2015] Alex_SH » The Dying Phantom [M.Soul]
музыка не вытягивает ожидал чтото не хуже вот этого
с хорошей техникой мог бы получиться замечательный хоррор :sad:
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 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2015 04.02.2016  
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