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[04.01.2015] EVOsvik » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
не моё конешн...но автор молодец
[04.01.2015] PieandBeer » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
yeah sorry i thought that was clearer than it was xD; i linked wanting someone's phone number to liking someone in general. in hindsight, i should've included a phone scene in there somewhere :/ sorry but thank you for the feedback!
[04.01.2015] akira02sum » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
Are "seven little numbers" in the lyrics a phone number? If you had linked the seven main characters to "seven little numbers", your video could have been more impressive.
Anyway cheerful. A good AMV.
[04.01.2015] AlchemistEskimo » The Sky's The Limit [Kis@]
One of my favorites now! Captures the whimsical feeling of ghibli perfectly along with fantastic blends! Top notch video!
[04.01.2015] Death_Kn1ght » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
Куча битов в плане синхры пропущено , у клипа нет логичной кульминации (финальная сцена с поцелуем ни к селу ни к городу). А так в целом неплохо.
[04.01.2015] Rider4Z » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
this was really cute
[04.01.2015] EnIgMoZz2 » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
awww yeahhh them russian classes back from the 8th grade coming into good use
[04.01.2015] axonjunior » The Sky's The Limit [Kis@]
Nice dream :tu:
[03.01.2015] Эль-тян » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
Типичная типичность
[03.01.2015] Axiles » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
[03.01.2015] Megamen » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
[03.01.2015] MycathatesyouAMV » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
рыба тако падение
[03.01.2015] Лисёнок-тян » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
Великолепно 10!
[03.01.2015] Megamen » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
[03.01.2015] kireblue » Lucky Seven [PieandBeer]
That was really good. Whenever I edit Romance vids, I either always focus on 2 characters and not use footage of anyone else, or I focus on multiple couples and isolate each couple from the others. But you did something in your vid that I never considered doing. You focused on the main couple of Nozaki Kun and slowly introduced the other characters as friends of them. And once you introduced all the friends, you started showing the friends having romantic relationships with each other, but you used scenes that also included Noaki Sakura in them. This allowed you to show a new couple without actually isolating them or really changing the focus from Nozaki and Sakura. It was actually really effective. I'm not even sure you did it on purpose LOL
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