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[06.01.2014] xMadSteps » Airwave [DigiCat]
Dude why do you comment here ? You can just go to your YOUTUBE community and stay there forever because it's the right place for you... but anyway just gonna tell you that people here just make comments about what they thing about the video and nothing more in theory, and u are trying to troll somebody here and you thing it's soo FUNNY well good luck anyway :lol: ( nothing personal )
[06.01.2014] xMadSteps » Airwave [DigiCat]
7/10 :wink:
[06.01.2014] eake4 » Airwave [DigiCat]
The transitions felt rough to me, still lots of technical work so for that I applause.
[06.01.2014] NeptuniaAMV » Airwave [DigiCat]
When i saw DigiCat registered for AKROSSCON i went on *screaming because of happiness* mode. Couldnt wait til its finished, checked this website multiple times a day. I expected something brilliant, that blows my mind after "each moment" (my fav amv). But i gotta say that i got very disappointed. The first half is okay, nice flow and masking, as usual for you. But the color correction in some parts is way too unnatural in my opinion, too much contrast. The second half was bad. Yup bad. 1 used anime, many senseless panty shots among others. Beside this, the second half didnt flow well with the first half of the amv. Its like: You edited 50% of it, but then you didnt have enough footage, so you took 1 anime for the second half of it. You could have done a much greater job, this amv is not your level, it doesnt show your editing potential. Youre editing is much better than this. :sad:
[06.01.2014] theredflash66 » Airwave [DigiCat]
hmm... Not bad, the part with Strike Witches threw me off, but I understood your point
[06.01.2014] EnigMoNyan » Airwave [DigiCat]

So cute, did he kiss your pixels yet ?


Added (after 1 min. and 35 sec.):

 D4RK @ 05 January 2014, 23:30 
D4RK (05 January 2014, 23:30)     
Winner of akross2013!

Boy, we do not suck dicks in this website.
[06.01.2014] EnigMoses » Airwave [DigiCat]
I just got a call from our dear jesus.
And he said after reading your comment, he doesn't even want to come back anymore nor shall he grant you eternal life.
Good Job, You just got him to forsake us all.
[06.01.2014] gabber1991md » Airwave [DigiCat]
 EnIgMoZz2 @ 06 January 2014, 02:05 
Truth is..... you're not from Tokyo.

[06.01.2014] D4RK » Airwave [DigiCat]
Winner of akross2013! :biggrin:
[06.01.2014] andrewbee » Airwave [DigiCat]
You have a good eye for aesthetics but the idea and style has been overused and you didn't really breathe fresh 'air' into it. Technically, its great so well done on that.
[06.01.2014] l0kkiclu » Airwave [DigiCat]
Interesting video, not gonna lie, I was amazed with the first half of the video. Anything shiny and smooth gets my sign of approval alllllmost by default lol. In this case, I felt like the video wasn't random by dance AMV "standards". Scenes had (sort of) a common theme, similar pace. I was going to give you a 9 even though videos like this are not my cup of tea, but as soon as the second half kicked in, so did the disappointment. Random action scenes of the same anime for around 30 seconds or more? It ruined the whole mood the first half managed to build up... :( So I'm sorry to say it's gonna be a 7.

 EnigMoNyan @ 06 January 2014, 02:16 
Wow, much feelings, such Dreww, many miss online gf. Pls bring back memoriezzz.

As for you, I almost feel sorry for making your trolling attempt (?) relevant, but please: Keep those comments to yourself. In other words, shut up. Thank you.
[06.01.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Airwave [DigiCat]
It's good but after Stickygaiden video, I dunno what to say about the rest of Dance videos
[06.01.2014] nivekov123 » Airwave [DigiCat]
 xDreww @ 05 January 2014, 21:20 

emoticons at me? or someone else cus ive used none
[06.01.2014] Cour » Airwave [DigiCat]
The scene selection are incredible, so OP.
I loved the transitions, but from 1:50 from many parts were somewhat rushed, but overall is an amazing video. :applause:
Good luck Digi-san :)
[06.01.2014] xDreww » Airwave [DigiCat]
 EnigMoNyan @ 06 January 2014, 00:16 

Wow, much feelings, such Dreww, many miss online gf. Pls bring back memoriezzz.

 EnigMoNyan @ 06 January 2014, 00:16 

What does my comment have to do with my personal life? LOL You trying to provoke me? For what? grow up please. And @Kevin you would find that funny. How about Saying something rather than emoticons maybe. Thanks.
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