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[30.11.2013] IGNOTUM » the Shell [bk.SeRFeR]
Beautiful atmosphere.
[30.11.2013] gabber1991md » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
a bit too chaotic sometimes :tongue:
but pretty nice job man great improvements :wink:
good luck!!
[30.11.2013] xMiSaKiAMV » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
крик. все испортил крик. 8
[30.11.2013] sirenaim » Circus [Angel_Sora]
I liked most of the transitions but some of them could have been much more fluid than this. The rhythm throughout the whole AMV is really nice, despite not having a precise theme. Good job eitherway. :)
[30.11.2013] sirenaim » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
I can't really process just how amazing this AMV is. The story is really interesting and you conducted it flawlessly. Nice usage of the footage too. Good job, Tritio-san~
[30.11.2013] AnimeFanaticBoy » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
 InsanitySupporter @ 30 November 2013, 08:26 
Me encantó tu video, la verdad no me dió miedo >< pero definitivamente tienes oportunidad de ganar Best Horror (:

Ese momento cuando salen a la luz los que hablan espaniol C:
[30.11.2013] InsanitySupporter » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Me encantó tu video, la verdad no me dió miedo >< pero definitivamente tienes oportunidad de ganar Best Horror (:
[29.11.2013] Dioker » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
тут четкое story! как для этого стиля пойдет на 8)) но могло быть и лучше.
[29.11.2013] Алхимик_67 » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
не плохо, но чего то не хватает, а вот чего хз! 8 поставлю)
[29.11.2013] Uniquevil » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
well done (:
[29.11.2013] bossmorad » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
best amv for this moments and surely will end between the top 10 ranking
Big GG tritio thank you for this very god moments watches one of the best horror AMV
[29.11.2013] Тёмыч-кун » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Первая половина была клёвой, но после этого идиотского крика, который разрушил всю атмосферу, стало намного хуже. Ощущение ужаса куда-то улетучилось и всё стало просто скучной резнёй. Ну не знаю. Наверное 6.4, но всё же чуть завышу и поставлю 7.
[29.11.2013] Sevania » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Oh, it's a very good amv. Quite interesting and a bit scary. 8.8 from me.
AnimeFanaticBoy, thank you very much for your work.
[29.11.2013] Sevania » Circus [Angel_Sora]
I have even danced.
I hadn't understood the connection between characters and circus, but anyways I like this clip.
[29.11.2013] nivekov123 » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Not bad, I liked the atmosphere, bit fast paced but it didnt hinder the final result too much. Good Luck.
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil449
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate410
3.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled313
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Kevin Caldwell
Neon Genesis Evangelion, End of Evangelion
Rammstein - Engel
Multi-Editor Project
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2009 18.12.2009  
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 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2007 15.12.2007  
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