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[06.01.2013] EvilSpider » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
 kzvan @ 06 January 2013, 17:11 
can see the list of new videos added by date?

[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » In Lights of Misery [Benreparn]
Really nice compositing. Usually I don't stand those kind of videos, but this one was great :).
Too short, but punchy.
[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » The Monster [AxisPOV]
A little stun by effects, but it was enjoyable.
I'd like a more consistent use of texts.
[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » TEA TIME English Lesson [AniPAL Studios]
Definitely girlie, but it was cute.
I would have liked a more colorful background.
[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » Aevum [AimoAio]
Editing was quite enjoyable, good scene selection, but I can't match the song completely with this anime: I like dubstep music, but this is was a bit too videogame related.
[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » Together [-Cross-]
Nice combination of anime and song, but I found it a bit dull.
[06.01.2013] Uniquevil » Тили-тили-бом [gabber1991md]
наткнулась в "случайных клипах",сменила оценку на 7.2,ох уж эта песенка :3
[06.01.2013] kzvan » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
exelent. a questionI can see the list of new videos added by date?
[06.01.2013] Aerith » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
Я тоже к такой музыке не очень отношусь, но она ни капельки не испортила впечатление от просмотра. Клип супер) Жаль,что последняя работа)
[06.01.2013] nihilant01 » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
I didn't like it as much as I would, I agree with anybody who found manga and anime parts not well combined. It still entertained me though.

 irriadin @ 06 January 2013, 08:53 
As someone that listens to metal like this, I admire the resolve you had in sticking to your artistic vision and not attempting to make your video more accessible

[06.01.2013] akira02sum » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
Your video has beauty of both stillness and motion. Speedy and dignified. Thank you for your tour de force.
[06.01.2013] kzvan » Eyes [mastamind]
exelent. a questionI can see the list of new videos added by date?
[06.01.2013] irriadin » Goddess of Destruction [Bea$t]
Amazing... I can't stop watching it. As someone that listens to metal like this, I admire the resolve you had in sticking to your artistic vision and not attempting to make your video more accessible. Claymore is one of my favorite manga and you've totally captured the beauty and brutality of the story's world.

As far as technique goes, all I have to say is goddamn awesome. Maybe there were a few clips that felt oddly stagnant in the AMV portions, and maybe a few of the early AMV parts were a little less polished, but that's about it without getting *really* nitpicky.

The music was inevitably going to turn some people off, but I think it fits what you've done perfectly and it makes it so powerful in the end.

So to sum it all up: fantastic work. 10/10
[06.01.2013] Armed » [Lunatic Border] [Death_Kn1ght]
Мда, тоже голосовал за этот клип! М/в очень подходящее и оригинальное, но видно на любителя, технически хорошо, синхру только надо подтянуть. 8/10
[06.01.2013] Uniquevil » Obsession [AyAto]
мв затащило :3
1. Naruto109
2. Bleach107
3. One Piece69
4. Death Note47
5. 5 Centimeters per Second43
6. Naruto Shippuuden33
7. Elfen Lied32
8. Soul Eater27
9. Darker than Black25
10. Fairy Tail25
11. Sword Art Online23
12. Claymore23
13. Guilty Crown22
14. FLCL22
15. Hellsing Ultimate22
16. Ergo Proxy21
17. Steins;Gate21
18. Wolf's Rain21
19. Kyoukai no Kanata21
20. Kara no Kyoukai21
21. Code Geass20
22. Naruto Shippuden20
23. Shingeki no Kyojin20
24. Neon Genesis Evangelion18
25. Clannad18
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2009 13.12.2009  
Soul Eater
The Killers - Shadowplay
Story, Action
 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2010 18.12.2010  
Natsume Yuujinchou
Coldplay - Life in Technicolor
Romance, Sentimental, Story
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2007 15.12.2007  
Skin - Nothing But
Drama, Romance