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[20.11.2012] MrakDren » Euphoria [4x4ezequi]
эфорт не оправдан
[20.11.2012] akira02sum » Crisis Shattered [RP Productions]
I watched your another amvs. Those take the same way of expression. I think that once in a while you should try the different style. It will improve your expressiveness.
[20.11.2012] chocobojockey16 » Crisis Shattered [RP Productions]
I think you picked out some really nice scenes for the song, Crisis Core is one of my favorites so I could feel all the emotion. The only thing is the presentation should be cleaned up and refined, but I think you have what a lot of cleaned up videos lack, and that's some feeling or depth. So just clean it up, and perhaps choose a more unique song, but I enjoyed it.
[20.11.2012] theredflash66 » Crisis Shattered [RP Productions]
I didn't really like it. The overlay was useless, the quality and effects were bad. 3
[20.11.2012] [madaraxD] » Blazing Magnum [kyle_m]
A bit long for me, but not bad man.
[20.11.2012] crooktj » Ignescence [MagicDarkLight]
my kind of amv good job man
[20.11.2012] Fryface » Euphoria [4x4ezequi]
you have the skill to create something amazing but that´s not it sry. it lacks creativity and gets boring after 1 minute. think of something special and i´m sure it will be awesome. 5.8
[20.11.2012] kasatik » Blazing Magnum [kyle_m]
заставил прямо поверить, что мы не в Японии, а в Америке :smile:
[20.11.2012] Hikado95 » Blazing Magnum [kyle_m]
4/10 :sad:
[19.11.2012] JazzsVids » Crisis Shattered [RP Productions]
Crisis Core has a very sweet story and this song is touching. It's special when you can make something to help you cope with reality, so emotionally I like this.
But on a video perspective, this song is quite overused. Also I think your video would look a lot better without the texture overlay. It distracts from your clips. Good luck with the contest.
[19.11.2012] JazzsVids » Euphoria [4x4ezequi]
I really like all the masking. I can tell you put a lot of time into this, but I think you could use some work on your presentation. Like the use of so many colors makes it look kind of tacky and the fx are a bit sloppy. But I do like your ideas. Good luck with the contest :)
[19.11.2012] Axiles » Nexus [Daaf]
8/10.....очень хорошо
[19.11.2012] Axiles » My Darker Side [DeiVX]
ненавижу такой музон...3
[19.11.2012] Axiles » CLAYMORE [ponpon]
9/10 manga....
[19.11.2012] [69] » Blazing Magnum [kyle_m]
Наверно я слишком молод для таких работ. :smile:
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