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[06.12.2011] kuruta » Dreams World [VJandromeda]
muy bueno maty , me gusto mucho , tiene una sensación de suavidad y e imprevisibilidad al mismo tiempo.
[06.12.2011] fallzz » Rabid Anal Woodpecker Shit Video [Khoa]
It was interesting :) not for me though. 8D
[06.12.2011] [madaraxD] » Rabid Anal Woodpecker Shit Video [Khoa]
nice :smile: , good job khoa
[06.12.2011] Junko17 » Interactive Movement [ArdillaUSA]
фигня....типичный youtube....3,2/10
[06.12.2011] Junko17 » Rabid Anal Woodpecker Shit Video [Khoa]
[06.12.2011] Pocho_Love » Rabid Anal Woodpecker Shit Video [Khoa]
ooooh nice pacing throughout the entire video.
[06.12.2011] Pocho_Love » Interactive Movement [ArdillaUSA]
I don't think this was very psychedelic at all. Some scenes were a bit random.
[06.12.2011] Pocho_Love » Invasion [TinLit]
Some of the shaking and effects were not necessary.
[06.12.2011] ZetZu » Interactive Movement [ArdillaUSA]
Wait... Psychedelic?
[06.12.2011] ZetZu » Rabid Anal Woodpecker Shit Video [Khoa]
"Happy Rabid Anal Woodpecker shits to you viewers (Y)"
Dude, no need to be disrespectful. Not cool.

Video was actually decently cut, I liked then flashing images at 1:05 and 1:09. Not really the most original thing I've seen, but as you said - it seemingly wasn't what you were going for either.

It's not that bad, but you could do better.
Now we'll only see if you make it into the finals or not.

Good luck, Kev :tu:
[06.12.2011] ICEberg » Psycho Smile Garden [Artofeel]
"Шо, ОПЯТЬ?"


[06.12.2011] eake4 » Helix Origin [Eake4]
Thanks for the comments guys! Im gonna try again next year doing a better song cut.
[06.12.2011] Zloddy » Any Weapon Here? [Zloddy]
SteelMan спасибо ;) правда как-то непривычно хороший отзыв слышать.. я уже цветочки на могилку клипу собрала... но раз есть люди кому понравилось значит все же не впустую старалась....
[06.12.2011] Banshee » 2029 A.D. [[F.O.]cieux Studio]
Понравилось ,особенно музыка из Пилы :smile:
[06.12.2011] AyumiNeko » Enchanted [AimoAio]
Now this made me go "kyaa" all the way till the end! So effin adorable, cute and adfghl. I really loved it. Great job May, good luck!
1.bloodSlayer - One of the Starry Girls71.7
2.ShinOri - Eternal World71.1
3.JustRukia - Sacrifice70.5
4.Takeshi & Fobos - The Impossible Escape69.7
5.Nero_09 - 美徳ト悪徳69.2
6.TakeshiAMV - Wanted Dead or Alive68.2
7.FobosAMV - The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion)66.8
8.FT - Adventurers66.5
9.TritioAFB - Bang Yor Mom66.4
10.TritioAFB - R.U.M.B.L.E65.6
11.Visual Reality Studios - Starboy64.6
12.Picman - SLAVE & MASTER63.5
13.Picman - Collapse63.3
14.Waku Waku - Ведьмак: Дикая работа63.1
15.MikuriAki - Cemra62.7
16.Scallibur32 - How to hold Bocchi in your hand?62.4
17.obey your heart - The Cage61.0
18.Ian Yu - Why Do Tears Mix with Rain?60.8
19.Strannik610 - Origins59.8
20.Alexei - Узник кошмара / A nightmare's prisoner59.1
21.MesoGear - Disgusting58.7
22.okhostok - Calamity58.5
23.Ian Yu - Do You Like Cloudy Skies?57.0
24.Lulu - Humans56.5
25.Narian - Sadness and Heaven55.7
26.Rika Sudzuki - Regret55.3
27.Narian - Hold on54.5
28.Deviant - Киска из Алупки51.4
29.Anima Purgatorius - Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara48.9
30.kain4ig - Dancing47.9
[ весь рейтинг ]
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