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[08.01.2017] Leegf » No Misunderstanding But Love [XT-ordinator]
Every time I see new Kyoukai no Kanata amv:

You Are, The Worst of My Enemies
Too Much, Never Know When It's Enough

You went way too overboard with effects. It feels dirty.
I don't see a reason at changing style of typography few times in a row. Speaking more precisely, I don't see a reason at using typography here at all.
Despite that fact part 0:55-1:15 has several repetitive scenes(I wonder why you were so lazy) I liked it most. Lip sync 1:05 is sweet.
Generally, I didn't it like but you've got some skills. You just gotta polish them in right direction.
[08.01.2017] Leegf » The Fight of The Kings [AiaSnTropeaS]
 AiaSnTropeaS @ 06 January 2017, 23:05 

I didn't mean to insult you. I'm talking about your clip, not you. Also I didn't call you a troll, that's just a feeling I got watching the clip.
It's absolutely fine to make something you like, there's nothing wrong with it. However, submitting your clip here I guess you were aware that you gonna be criticized.
"below zero" was a bit of exaggeration so you could better understand my impression. But really, you didn't manage to convey the idea. Or rather the way you did was too weak. That's my opinion.
[08.01.2017] Leegf » Fiat Lux [PieandBeer]
Just as you wished, I've watched the film, and I even decided to do it before watching this clip. Thanks about your advice, I liked it. Can't say I liked it that much but definitely it's something peculiar and worth attention.

Now about the clip itself. You've made decent job here. I've caught the same mood I had while watching the film. The song' amazing, there's connection between lyrics and scenes. Long timing doesn't seem to be a problem.
I'd call your clip an example of smart retelling.
[08.01.2017] Kvant » ААААААААААААА! [Vakaseemer]
:biggrin: :tu:
Вторая часть правда совсем не зашла, потому как знаю это (с 03.40) -
[08.01.2017] Kvant » NONSENSE [Axel d'Arc]
Почему-то (видимо исходя из аватарки автора, постеров и скринов) Я ожидал чего-то веселого, бодрого, няшно-мимимишного. А получил совсем иное...
Не врубился. Пересмотрел. И опять не врубился.
Арт-хаус какой-то) С намёком на эстетику...
[08.01.2017] Kvant » Off with their heads [Strawberry Fields AMVS]
Чот Я ни чёрта не понял, да и желания осмыслять увиденное нет. Кажется очередной пустой экшн...
[08.01.2017] Whiterock » clozufilu [leolide]
Looks like you still have some "that weed" left since last contest. Keep the good work!
[08.01.2017] AnimeFanaticBoy » clozufilu [leolide]

Papi me extraña que diga que no sepa. Lo espero en mi video la proxima semana
[08.01.2017] Juancarlosdm95 » clozufilu [leolide]
10/10^100000 would bang papuh!!!! Es mejor de lo que esperaba xD las drogas hacen bien!!!
[08.01.2017] axonjunior » clozufilu [leolide]
Somebody shut the shit stream flooding this Akross :pray:
[08.01.2017] Ashran AMV » clozufilu [leolide]
Winner top kek leolaic
[08.01.2017] leolide » clozufilu [leolide]
MrGafudo <3

Added (after 1 min. and 27 sec.):

thnks/grax everyone idk how to answer separately lol
[07.01.2017] InsanitySupporter » clozufilu [leolide]
The most outstanding thing about this video is the originality in the idea, it's like a compendium of your year (which also happens to be a review of anime dank memes of 2016), and all the hardwork you did for the compositions is incredible: the action parts are well thought, the song brings a great mood, the backgrounds you used match perfectly with the concept.
I think we have a winner.
I'm so proud of you.
[07.01.2017] Alan Walker » Numinous [MrNosec]
Said it on AMVnews.ru and I will say it here, amazing!! So amazing!! 10
[07.01.2017] Alan Walker » clozufilu [leolide]
1.bloodSlayer - One of the Starry Girls71.7
2.ShinOri - Eternal World71.1
3.JustRukia - Sacrifice70.5
4.Takeshi & Fobos - The Impossible Escape69.7
5.Nero_09 - 美徳ト悪徳69.2
6.TakeshiAMV - Wanted Dead or Alive68.2
7.FobosAMV - The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion)66.8
8.FT - Adventurers66.5
9.TritioAFB - Bang Yor Mom66.4
10.TritioAFB - R.U.M.B.L.E65.6
11.Visual Reality Studios - Starboy64.6
12.Picman - SLAVE & MASTER63.5
13.Picman - Collapse63.3
14.Waku Waku - Ведьмак: Дикая работа63.1
15.MikuriAki - Cemra62.7
16.Scallibur32 - How to hold Bocchi in your hand?62.4
17.obey your heart - The Cage61.0
18.Ian Yu - Why Do Tears Mix with Rain?60.8
19.Strannik610 - Origins59.8
20.Alexei - Узник кошмара / A nightmare's prisoner59.1
21.MesoGear - Disgusting58.7
22.okhostok - Calamity58.5
23.Ian Yu - Do You Like Cloudy Skies?57.0
24.Lulu - Humans56.5
25.Narian - Sadness and Heaven55.7
26.Rika Sudzuki - Regret55.3
27.Narian - Hold on54.5
28.Deviant - Киска из Алупки51.4
29.Anima Purgatorius - Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara48.9
30.kain4ig - Dancing47.9
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