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[02.01.2017] 777lexa777 » Singularity [buggy]
[02.01.2017] 777lexa777 » Resistere Et Mordere [Cerberus]
что то совершенно не под видео ряд трек идет. да и было что то похожее уже где то.
[02.01.2017] 777lexa777 » Fall Down [KiyoT]
экшон драма... интересно однако...
[02.01.2017] dumtumdum » Fall Down [KiyoT]
good drama
[02.01.2017] dumtumdum » Winter Recall [Nakayoshi]
i like it
[02.01.2017] dumtumdum » Singularity [buggy]
very good :tu:
[02.01.2017] sucubus » Resistere Et Mordere [Cerberus]
Sabaton - это новый Rammstein :biggrin:
[02.01.2017] buggy » Singularity [buggy]
it's alright, it's probably more the twixtor that makes you compare it to lolli's amv, and i was expecting that. i had to use it more like a tool than as a way to make it smoother because i needed to manipulate time..i really don't care about making 60fps amvs, it limits your scene selection, but it was almost mandatory with what i wanted to do
[02.01.2017] PieandBeer » Singularity [buggy]
Sweet! i really enjoyed that, very cool way to start a video. I know you used overlays in previous videos, it's just the ghibli source+twixtor+kinda using the overlay for to keep interest/add story onto a somewhat slow clip in the crying scene at 1:37 just kinda added up into a "oh hey this feels like ghost audition" but looking back at both vids i think it was probably an unfair statement on my part because i think your clip is actually quite different
[02.01.2017] buggy » Singularity [buggy]
yeah, it's 2.5D made by me..i've always used overlays, my previous amv "Within" consists of mostly that in the form of double exposure
[02.01.2017] NIGHT » Singularity [buggy]
Клип примечателен исключительно с точки зрения монтажа.
И здесь я имею в виду не какие-то особенные приёмы а просто фразу "занятно сделано".

Сам по себе клип никаких особых эмоций или интереса не вызывает, лично для меня печальная тема этого конкретного фильма давно перешла в разряд "заезжено по самое не могу".

И очень странно, что кодирование _alt -версии автор сделал по принципу "врежу 10 мегабит CBR битрейта и хрен с ним". В итоге там пустого веса - четверть или даже треть.
[02.01.2017] PieandBeer » No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop [TakayanagiPRO]
i admire how you altered the sources and kept it just to the two hotd kids. while i really enjoyed the lyric sync and ironic use of the song with the bomb, i felt like the actions scenes did not hit the beats in the song as much as i would have liked them to. i liked the visual flow and some of the weirder transitions, but the song cut/repeat made the video kind of off-balanced and did not give the satisfying ending i was hoping for. you have a really cool editing style though! hope this does well in the contest! :)
[02.01.2017] PieandBeer » Singularity [buggy]
i enjoyed this! really cool mood and i like the 2.5D you did at the beginning (that's not native in the source right? xD), I'm kinda with everyone where certain aspects kinda seemed to be part of lolili's ghibli vid (particularly the overlays) but the other stuff you did was really cool and the vid as a whole was a nice unique and eery experience. Good luck in the contest!
[02.01.2017] Лисёнок-тян » Winter Recall [Nakayoshi]
[01.01.2017] Yonakano » Never-ending... [Эся из Ехо]
Я тоже сохранила клип в свою коллекцию).
Очень люблю это аниме, и мне приятно, что по этому аниме сделано столько хороших клипов. Ну, относительно, конечно. Учитывая, что фэндом старенький, и не массово-популярный.

В первую очередь понравилось разнообразие кадров.
Эффекты - не очень, но к счастью, их не так много, чтобы глаза замозолить.
Музыка - на любителя. Я не поклонник Флёр, но тексты у неё неплохие.
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
Shikabane Hime Aka, Tales of the Abyss
Blue Stahli - The Pure and The Tainted
Action, Character Profile, Instrumental
Silent Civillian - Rebirth of the Temple
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2010 18.12.2010  
4Cus - Прекрасное Далёко
Trailer, Fun, Drama