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[01.12.2016] Maniaki » Numinous [MrNosec]
 MrNosec @ 01 December 2016, 18:30 
I did intend for it to be a bit disorienting by changing from scenes going from right to left from left to right pretty fast while trying to keep it easy to follow, but if that's not what you meant could you elaborate more on the "lack of flow"? Maybe I could even learn a little something for future projects

Usually when you "capture" audience with settle sync like you did in the beginning, viewer tends to concentrate into the center of screen or weaken visual reflexes in order to try to capture the "movement" of the next sync point on the screen. So... if you want that viewer to experience bit chaotic changes of scenes as much as he/she can you need to slowly escalate and so that you dont loose that "bond" with the viewer you made in the beginning o.o you can do that by either really good plot and edit or by smart editing directed towards to the viewer's subconscious . There are many other but I think all of them are variation between these two.

BUT If you did intend to disorient me then you've done well since I wasnt able to concentrate on sync because of the edit. But if not there are ways for you to edit not changing the scene once every 15 frames, I'm sure you know about "sync within the scene" method since I saw couple of them here.

Don't get me wrong your work will probably be better than 90% of these year's con, partly because AMV society is degrading a bit and partly because of your really good skills! So good luck...
[01.12.2016] enigmoron » Oneness [Artofeel]
this interpolation is a bigger joke then you are 1/10
[01.12.2016] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
 Maniaki @ 01 December 2016, 11:40 

Thanks alot for your honest comment, and for the kind words aswell.

Regarding the lack of flow, I don't know exactly what it could be by your explanation, I edited it so I'm too biased and can't possibly judge the video aswell as you can, maybe it's the harsh jump cuts? I did intend for it to be a bit disorienting by changing from scenes going from right to left from left to right pretty fast while trying to keep it easy to follow, but if that's not what you meant could you elaborate more on the "lack of flow"? Maybe I could even learn a little something for future projects :biggrin:

Although I sorta understand these lolligerjoj comparisons, it feels odd since his videos are nothing like this, he hasn't made an action video since 2013 and even that one doesn't reminisce mine the slightest, not to mention I wouldn't expect an action video with the Eva Rebuilds from him ever, it's simply not his style and not what people have come to expect from him.
But I did start making AMVs of my own after I saw his first 3 AMVs, I didn't even like AMVs all that much before, so my source of inspiration is most likely quite obvious, and I don't think it will ever stop being.

PS: I'm not sure if that last part was directed at me or at Artofeel, but if you mean by his " find yourself " I should do something like a 4 minute AMV of people walking with twixtor, thanks for the suggestion but I'll have to pass on that, I don't see how that could be fun to edit or to watch.
[01.12.2016] Maniaki » Numinous [MrNosec]
Well this was fun in the beginning, but then it lacked flow to me. Maybe because this kind of sync needs more settle edit, maybe it needed more sensible escalation, or maybe audio was bad as well.

Anywho you've done a remarkable work but to me it has not much value, since to me it was like watching a very good loligerjoj video and then watch him get drunk and throw up. When i'm watching your work I must watch YOUR work. Life is unfair yes but that doesnt mean you dont know why people link your style with other person, so fix it next time.

 Artofeel @ 20 November 2016, 20:56 

» MrNosec:
you have titles like lolligerjoj
your scene selection like lolligerjoj
your music selection like lolligerjoj ©
what are you bullshiting?
find yourself.

watch THIS AMV and you'll know what he means.
[01.12.2016] sucubus » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
[01.12.2016] Хлебушек » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
Браво, Маэстро! Можно считать, что АКРОСС Кон спасен. Это шедевр!
А кто не смог "осилить" - слабаки, которые недостойны называться ценителями АМВ!
Пускай завистники таланта автора изойдутся в своей злобе!!! :be: :mat: :be: :mat:
И да, если этот клип не попадёт в финал - всё настолько куплено и продажно, что моя вера в человечество угаснет совсем =\
Ах да, оценка - 10!!!
[01.12.2016] Maniaki » Apathy [Gta iv86]
So "lolligerjoj-ing" is a thing now? That's sad, but I'm very optimistic about the author himself. Do something out of your own mind and as Kanye West once said "... Do dope shit!"
[30.11.2016] Axiles » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
зачем 2 половина?
[30.11.2016] Death_Kn1ght » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
Девиант, если что, если можно просьбу - в след раз возьми не тему сперматоксикоза , которая всех уже порядком достала (особенно если помнишь победителя Акросса 2014 , на которого у всех горит до сих пор), а что-то более брутальное, жёсткое возможно. Я бы респектнул тогда , а то вот так ожидания не оправдались , хотя, как уже говорил - свой стиль ты выдержал вполне :з
[30.11.2016] MesoGear » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
хм... по ощущениям, получилась эдакая помесь "пёс дыни" и "Oldschool'a"
[30.11.2016] sucubus » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
 Metaki @ 30 November 2016, 17:20 
Отсутствие связи видео и аудио, по

Обо всём по порядку.
Во первых, связь видео+аудио лежит на уровне лирики.
Во-вторых, то, что ты называешь хлопортами - таковыми не является.
В-третьих, клип делался почти 2 месяца, и его длительность проистекает из его же концепции (которая лежит на уровне лирики, и тобой не понята).
[30.11.2016] MrNosec » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
This video is proof we are on the evolutionary breakthrough to unite scientists to form one super mind of cosmic proportions.
Historians shall write about this video as the magnum opus of our time, a genuine peak in our enlightenment.
[30.11.2016] Gta iv86 » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
More like "Bee gees - staying out of the finals"
[30.11.2016] Zebiru » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
What is this? What were u thinking when u did this? Did u rly think u could win with this? 1/10 plis don't ever edit any amv again
[30.11.2016] Metaki » Djentleman нашего времени [Deviant]
Отсутствие связи видео и аудио, попытки какие-то есть, но это скорее случайность. Огромное количество хлопортов. Отсутствие какой-либо идеи, просто нарезка сцен, которые тебе приглянулись. Продолжительность видео огромна, с твоим уровнем скила лучше делать минуту или даже меньше, а не пытаться в количество, которое не перерастает в качество. О выборе анимы и музыки ничего не буду говорить, но вкус у тебя очень специфичен, кажется, что при выборе главная оценка для тебя соответствовать своему никнейму. Мне интереснее смотреть в стену чем твой клип.
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