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[22.11.2016] Death_Kn1ght » The Fall: Friends Forever [S†eelshine]
Сюжет рили :mad:
Остальное понравилось, особенно в плане эффектов :з
[22.11.2016] NIGHT » The Fall: Friends Forever [S†eelshine]
00:13-00:15 эти три переброса/перехода вниз выглядят слишком дёрганно и резко, не надо было так делать
00:18-00:31 ощущение что сбита синхронизация: видеоряд меняется невдопад
01:05 - кусок видео с перебором клавишами под звук нужно было чуть ускорить, звук там идёт немного быстрее
01:13 - помарка с движением губ
01:30 - помарка с движением губ
01:35 - здесь я при просмотре схватился рукой за лицо
Вот зачем такой сюжетный поворот???

Дальше смотреть уже было просто неинтересно.

Итог: несмотря на косяки, технически более-менее.
Кому-нибудь клип понравится.
Мне - нет, поскольку вся красота композиции угроблена сюжетом.

И зачем было прикреплять .jpeg - cover - непонятно, это же не музыкальный трек.
[22.11.2016] Gta iv86 » Apathy [Gta iv86]
[22.11.2016] Ligh[t] » Apathy [Gta iv86]
Loli everywhere :lol:
[22.11.2016] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
Thank you very much!
Cheers :beer:
[22.11.2016] Zebiru » Apathy [Gta iv86]
U r going to win the Comedy category, keep it up bro
[22.11.2016] Axiles » Numinous [MrNosec]
very nice work :smile:
GL MEN :agree:
[21.11.2016] MrNosec » Apathy [Gta iv86]
 buggy @ 21 November 2016, 19:47 

If you don't care you wouldn't have mentioned it :wink:
But that's the spirit.
[21.11.2016] buggy » Apathy [Gta iv86]
that's because i used an effect and played with it however i wanted..used it to tell a story, make an amv..it's not like i copy pasted the frames..whatever..edit however you want, i don't care

Gta iv86 - i just wanted to give you that constructive criticism
[21.11.2016] Gta iv86 » Apathy [Gta iv86]

Well lets not trash this comment section anymore or else i might win a award for best meme of 2016. But i think people should just do what they want, and stop comparing since with as many "Styles" as there is theres a great chance a amv is gonna remind you of it.
[21.11.2016] MrNosec » Apathy [Gta iv86]
 buggy @ 21 November 2016, 19:37 

For example, your "Within" AMV was also severely criticized for being the anime version of the "True Detective" intro, to which you kept replying it was just " double fucking exposure ". Taking inspiration and adapting other styles to mold your own, thus creating a video with your own ideas and concept is perfectly ok, as I said so in the comments of your video in AMVnews.
[21.11.2016] buggy » Apathy [Gta iv86]
idk man he has a very distinct style, the same way nostromo has..if you want to edit like that it's fine by me..i was just saying..
[21.11.2016] MrNosec » Apathy [Gta iv86]
 buggy @ 21 November 2016, 19:21 

Very amusing how there are hundreds of editors whose style is exactly the same as everyone else's, and nobody cares, but when anyone does anything slightly reminiscent of lolligerjoj, everyone loses their minds.
[21.11.2016] buggy » Apathy [Gta iv86]
Gta iv86
being influenced by another editor's amvs is ok, but don't just make exactly the same thing that editor already did; the psychedelic genre didn’t start with lolligerjoj and will certainly not end with him; let’s say you liked an effect you saw in an amv, there’s no problem in using it, just make it your own, put a spin on it, be one step ahead of lolligerjoj if you want to make a psychedelic amv; even his amvs don’t use the same effects, but the style is the same, that’s why I’m saying you should use your own style; the same goes for MrNosec
[21.11.2016] MrNosec » Apathy [Gta iv86]
 FuryAMV @ 21 November 2016, 17:50 

This is exactly what this comment section needed, thank you for this.
1.bloodSlayer - One of the Starry Girls71.7
2.ShinOri - Eternal World71.1
3.JustRukia - Sacrifice70.5
4.Takeshi & Fobos - The Impossible Escape69.7
5.Nero_09 - 美徳ト悪徳69.2
6.TakeshiAMV - Wanted Dead or Alive68.2
7.FobosAMV - The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion)66.8
8.FT - Adventurers66.5
9.TritioAFB - Bang Yor Mom66.4
10.TritioAFB - R.U.M.B.L.E65.6
11.Visual Reality Studios - Starboy64.6
12.Picman - SLAVE & MASTER63.5
13.Picman - Collapse63.3
14.Waku Waku - Ведьмак: Дикая работа63.1
15.MikuriAki - Cemra62.7
16.Scallibur32 - How to hold Bocchi in your hand?62.4
17.obey your heart - The Cage61.0
18.Ian Yu - Why Do Tears Mix with Rain?60.8
19.Strannik610 - Origins59.8
20.Alexei - Узник кошмара / A nightmare's prisoner59.1
21.MesoGear - Disgusting58.7
22.okhostok - Calamity58.5
23.Ian Yu - Do You Like Cloudy Skies?57.0
24.Lulu - Humans56.5
25.Narian - Sadness and Heaven55.7
26.Rika Sudzuki - Regret55.3
27.Narian - Hold on54.5
28.Deviant - Киска из Алупки51.4
29.Anima Purgatorius - Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara48.9
30.kain4ig - Dancing47.9
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