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[09.01.2016] Fynjy » Mesalliance: rogue & princess [MonMidav]
шаблонная романтичность, даже реализм.
многие люди ведь такое в сердце носят, скука...
[09.01.2016] Armed » Mesalliance: rogue & princess [MonMidav]
Типичный первоклип на FF, характерный для того времени. Тоже делал клип в 2006 на FFIX, но был потерян - не пережил, зато в 2012 сделал ремастеринг.
На настольгию прошибло только вспоминанием того времени с кучей подобных клипов на коне и в экзамке - как то проще все было!) Ставить оценку не буду!;р
[09.01.2016] Axiles » Mesalliance: rogue & princess [MonMidav]
:critic: :mat: :mad: :facepalm:

Added (after 9 sec.):

:critic: :mat: :mad: :facepalm:
[09.01.2016] Хлебушек » Mesalliance: rogue & princess [MonMidav]
Ну вот же! Раньше так оно и было. Фановская нарезочка любимой анимы под любимую музычку. Куда мы скатились?! К чему пришли?! :facepalm: Какая-то убер синхра, какие-то нагромождения масок и фифектов...
R.I.P. теплое ламповое АМВ.
[09.01.2016] Akito - Neto » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
Excelent AMV :)
[09.01.2016] nivekov123 » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
nice visuals happy halalidays
[09.01.2016] Nanuk » Everlasting Light [Miso]
Man, let me just say something really quick... You have rewritten a whole new story right here... Bravo! You did a really good job recreating the story, to the point where I don't need to have seen the movie (although I did actually watch it) to actually feel what you're trying to transmit here. Although I do feel it lacks a bit of visual expression (something that could of been made perfect if you had used a few scenes from other animes) the song makes me refeel the story and you made a solid reference to the movie itself, which made it completely true to what the original thing is about. I can't give you a 10/10, but I definitely give you a 9/10 because I think that it could of been a bit better and could have been made perfect. Nevertheless, the execution was outstanding, so don't get discouraged. I really don't understand why some people gave it a low ranking, but that's just my opinion. By the way, one of the slides, where it says begining, you mispelled the word and wrote bigenn! Keep doing a great work! Cheers!
[09.01.2016] iKuro » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
nice nice good work and good luck =)
[09.01.2016] mairash » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
Ну ничего так, хорошая работа 7.10 от меня .
[08.01.2016] magd99 » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
liked the concept and was pretty enjoyable good luck man with your college and stuff cant wait to see a full amv of you with your full potential :')
[08.01.2016] S.A. Robert » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
М/в хорошо зашло.
[08.01.2016] xDreww » NSFW [xChromez]
The timing for a lot of parts is really off, lose the pacing sometimes, I feel like you could have done a lot more with this type of song, the video itself isn't that bad tho you had some really coll scenes at the same time but this video needed a better scene selection overall. Decent video tho, but a very cool watch! Good luck in dance mang~
[08.01.2016] MesoGear » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
 Artofeel @ 08 January 2016, 16:54 
про джихад же, очевидно

ну кстати когда в клипе началось что-то взрываться, подобная мысль промелькнула в голове, как-то сразу стало не ловко, ну типа стереотипы и все такое... :dunno:
[08.01.2016] dumtumdum » Prisoner-AMV [JOCKER8CLZ]
very good job :tu:
[08.01.2016] Shiwa » Raising the Damned [DuczmenAMV]
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2.  США181
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23.  Литва15
24.  Индия14
25.  Индонезия11
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