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[16.01.2024] Mivoko » Hold on [Narian]
It's pretty, it fulfills its "Drama" function and it's good, Although it does not have anything new to contribute, it follows the drama that the anime's story raises and as I mentioned in other videos, that does not have to be bad, since it transmits the emotions of the characters. As for the artistic section, it seems to me that it could have improved a little, the color correction at times takes away the atmosphere. But it's a good video, congratulations 7/10.
[16.01.2024] Mivoko » Cemra [MikuriAki]
it's very good. It is a raw edition that maintains its essence. In the technical section it does not have much to highlight. As for the story, as I mentioned in other videos "it is nothing new and follows the story of the anime" but that does not have to be bad, since it complements very well with the music and the climax point of the music next to the video It puts you in the atmosphere. Very good video 7/10.
[16.01.2024] Mivoko » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
It's phenomenal! Both the artistic and technical sections are excellent and clean. As MV it works very well. It is clean and maintains a constant aesthetic, using 3D very heavily in some scenes. However, as some comments mention, the video lacks a story or a plot, but when I reviewed the categories I realized that this is "DANCE AND ROMANCE" it does not have "DRAMA or STORY" so I began to analyze the music combination more - video and I realized that it is very good, it matches very well. In short, it is a very good video. 9/10
[16.01.2024] AnimeFanaticBoy » Calamity [okhostok]
Very good, though its true that sometimes people tend to look for 'concepts' that probably the author is not really intending to.

Btw, more dramas to come for the next days
[16.01.2024] Mivoko » Calamity [okhostok]
I found the video very entertaining, as MV works very well. But it has some problems, to begin with the font you used is very harmful, it takes away the atmosphere, in the second instance you have not built anything new, the history of 65daysofstatic is there but I do not see any extra contribution, finally in the technical section it is fine in certain scenes but in others he loses. In general it becomes monotonous, but it is a great video, congratulations 8/10 :smile: . And I have seen there that there are "people" who look for an extra meaning to the videos, when they simply express an idea of the author, and not everything has to have a complex story that satisfies ideals or thoughts of authors of books from more ago. of a century (as in your case) is simple and is transmitted well. I repeat, excellent video.
[16.01.2024] `ZeRo » Calamity [okhostok]
Уже по музыке узнаю автора)
[16.01.2024] okhostok » Eternal World [ShinOri]
 ShinOri @ 16 January 2024, 07:21 
the audiences deserve something more than this

With that mindset, you will quickly lose your interest in AMVs. Do it for yourself, not for the audience. :)
The key to success is doing something that you will not regret when you look back. Even if it is something simple, do it until the end until there is nothing that disturbs you. It is actually harder to do flawless simple clip than effortful video with flaws. Because the former requires WILL, while the latter requires INTEREST. And the INTEREST quickly fades when you do not get attention that you expected.
[16.01.2024] ShinOri » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
Very clean and chilling to watch
[16.01.2024] ShinOri » Eternal World [ShinOri]
okhostok Thank man. I made this amv alone without any external help, I was exhausted but I enjoy making it. This amv this not perfect so I agree with all of your feedback, the audiences deserve something more than this. BTW thank you again for notice my Eternal Series

Added (after 20 min. and 27 sec.):

Cubito yeah! me too. I'm not a fan of putting credits in the video, I do it just because the rule said so :laugh:
[16.01.2024] MesoGear » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
есть попытка попасть в атмосферу и я даже слегка начал проникаться, но на этом все, клипа как такового нет, без внятной структуры, без начала и конца, просто рандом из томных девочек, потенциал у МВ был, но он не реализован
[16.01.2024] Anima Purgatorius » Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara [Anima Purgatorius]
 NIGHT @ 15 января 2024, 20:51 
на заднем плане звучат невнятные вопли

Ну да, я их услышал. Рыжие варвары, однако.

Известно, что японцы со времен первых контактов с Европой стали называть всех этнических европейцев "рыжими варварами". Да и как надо было назвать португальских и голландских моряков, дурно пахнущих, не знающих туалетной бумаги и ковыряющих в зубах вилкой вместо зубочистки? (С)

“Zemeth” 哀愁歌謡と叙情とラテンの情熱とクラシカルドラマティックな音楽を創造するプロジェクト背徳
[15.01.2024] Danny AMV » One of the Starry Girls [bloodSlayer]
Te luciste este año Negev en verdad espero quedes en el top si no tomamos R.... que mas te puedo decir las palabras se quedan cortas el proximo año espero enviar mi video. :inlove:
[15.01.2024] Danny AMV » Cemra [MikuriAki]
хорошая работа :smile:
[15.01.2024] Danny AMV » Hold on [Narian]
хорошая работа :smile:
[15.01.2024] Danny AMV » Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara [Anima Purgatorius]
хорошая работа :smile:
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Psychedelic58
10. Dance57
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
Alex Daikou
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2006 16.12.2006  
Foggy - Come Into My Dream
Dance, Fun
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2009 25.10.2009  
Welcome to the NHK
Sum 41 - Pieces
Romance, Story, Character Profile
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2010 15.12.2010  
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Mozart L'Opera Rock - Le Bien Qui Fait …
Action, Fun