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[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
Хуже, чем первая часть. В первой части была изюминка, атмосфера, да и вообще работа смотрелась необычно. Реакция же на этот клип: "А... Очередной MEP." В общем 5.
[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » God vs Science [RaiwashiSP]
Идея отличная, но вот реализация плохая. Лишние эффекты, провисание синхры, да и вообще м/в так себе. 5
[21.01.2014] Alecsejj13 » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
3D титры смотрятся как то не уместно в данном амв :smile:
[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Лол. 4 с половиной минуты этой фигни, да ещё и титры почти 2 минуты.
[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Discrete Paradise [Eake4 & NosAMVs]
[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Про кота [Sympak]
Не, долго, затянуто, скучно. Не досмотрел.
[21.01.2014] Denn » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
Не все то здорово что 3д, титры выглядят как то дешево (
В целом клип понравился, особенно вторая половина.

Первый мозаик понравился больше.
[21.01.2014] Тёмыч-кун » Fucking, Only i suffer? [StormBlood]
Так себе.
[21.01.2014] j7n13q » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
да, титры прикольные
[21.01.2014] j7n13q » AE86 [AlterMann]
технически все сделано прикольно... только вот оно как-то не смотрится
[21.01.2014] Kristoo » AE86 [AlterMann]
Лучше чем в том году конечно, но техника тем не менее очень слабая. 5/10
[21.01.2014] MimS » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
Thx for the review.
Many of you can't help but thinking about shin's video : it's ok but just know, to us, nothing in this project was inspired by him even if you see the same anime/combo music, we never thought of his video, just did our thing.
Also for the comparison with 1st EM : I think most of u just have a too good memory of it, apart from ThePooh's track, it wasn't that much more impressive, editors did try more stuffs but on pure editing quality, don't feel like the difference in level is that much big than you people seem to think (for example, here Luna's crossover is way better than Sticky's one in previous EM). Still, I can clearly understand your ops ^^
As a last note : fact that people can't even agree on what the best track is tends to confirm my feeling, mostly tastes and all... apart from minor issues here and there, tell me why tracks are "weak in relation to the music" to quote one of the ops :)

P.S : and yeah half of the MEP is more than 1 year old /o/
[21.01.2014] sheen » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
I perfer phantom part and Mardock Scramble part :smile: and using Stein's Gate seems to be a little bit embarrassing because of the song...
[21.01.2014] N.I.-_- » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Цвет не понравился, даже глаза немного заболели.
[21.01.2014] kronontz » Empty Mosaic 2: Torn Minds [Multi-Editor Project]
I expected much more of this project
Just enjoyed track 8 (irriadin) The best track for me
The rest of the MEP was very weak in relation to music
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil1085
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate772
3.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me666
4.Umika - Traumerei607
5.Nostromo - Running Man559
6.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast554
7.EvilSpider - Revenge552
8.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON523
9.Aggressor - Act of Genesis519
10.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind518
11.Crossfade - The Stage502
12.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled498
13.Gidra - fu logic!492
14.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival486
15.SilentMan - Drawn Dream486
16.Umika - Sincerity477
17.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God459
18.Gidra - No Action451
19.VIDOK - Sexy434
20.S studio - D-ON!428
21.goЯz - Fracture421
22.Aggressor - De:Light420
23.impr3ssiv - noize419
24.Q&A - ChillOut408
25.Aggressor - Code: Ecchi405
Alex Daikou
Air, Beck, School Days, I''s Pure
Explosions In The Sky - It's Natural To…
Drama, Romance
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2008 19.11.2008  
Utah Saints - Something Good (Van She 08)
Dance, Fun
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2010 05.12.2010  
Genius Party Beyond: Dimension Bomb, Passion…
Sugar Jesus - Get a Hold of Yourself