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xDieguitoAMV  (Æon Studios)  [ xDieguitoAMV, [madaraxD] ]
Buenos Aires, Argentina
This is our entry for Akross con 2014. The video is focused in Ichinose Kotomi from Clannad, lets say its a little tribute to her. Hope you like it!
Video    Clannad
Audio    Saycet - Don't Cry Little Girl, Saycet - Dream Factory
Genre    Drama, Sentimental, Character Profile
2:53 | 56,4 Mb. | 1276x720 | H.264 / aac
2:53 | 13,6 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
2:53 | 128 Mb. | 1276x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 61 « 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 »
Kvant  [ 12 Febuary 2015, 09:38 ]
Неплохо, наверное даже хорошо.
Не составил себе цельного, законченного мнения, но впечатления приятные.
NIGHT  [ 11 Febuary 2015, 23:43 ]
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 11 Febuary 2015, 07:02 ]
El inicio me parecio adecuado, por alguna razon me deja la impresion de que esto es la segunda parte del AMV de Dieguito que ya habia mostrado anteriormente. Esta bien si le querian poner los efectos pero siento que la atmosfera se debilito un poco. Aun asi es una buena pieza, se entiende lo que se queria mostrar
NewOvermind  [ 10 Febuary 2015, 13:43 ]
Что маленькая девочка смотрит дома? боже мой врубите ей аниму.
А вообще неплохо получилось, свежо смотрится по кланаду.
Kristoo  [ 10 Febuary 2015, 10:00 ]
Fantastic 3.5/10 in group A.
Shui  [ 09 Febuary 2015, 23:35 ]
Fantastic :wow:
[madaraxD]  [ 08 Febuary 2015, 08:56 ]
 EvilSpiritAMV @ 07 Febuary 2015, 10:51 

I'm sorry but i dont understand what u mean exactly by aesthetics (imo that was one of the strongest points here but maybe we have a different definition), can you be more specific and talk..normally? its a bit hard to read you
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
PsychoNight  [ 08 Febuary 2015, 02:01 ]
Buena suerte Dieguito, Madara ~
SoulRVS  [ 07 Febuary 2015, 22:08 ]
Dieguito your works are great as always . I love Clannad and you concentrate the video on my favorite character . I saw it all with pleasure , I almost cried . A masterpiece , as always , good luck !

AceD  [ 07 Febuary 2015, 16:03 ]
as a character profile it's fantastic :tu:
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