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DrPenguin  (Indigo Team)  [ drpenguin ]
Pilsen, Чехия
Lucida, meaning the brightest star in a constellation.

I wanted to make an optimistic AMV using Flip Flappers and explore combining some interesting genres together, in this case action and story.
This way I'd not run out of scenes, I'd still get to create something meaningful and I'd not be restricted on how to approach the action part.

Hope you enjoy!
Видео    Flip Flappers
Музыка    Chvrches - Clearest Blue
Жанр    Story, Action, Character Profile
3:14 | 61,7 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:14 | 15,2 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:14 | 101 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 30 « [1] 2 3 »
Geingel  [ 01 февраля 2018, 00:47 ]
I'm in love with your AMV. It's charm, it's climax, the rhythm, the characters, ... everything looks so good. I was amazed when I saw it. Now I can't get ride of the song out of my head.
Truly, thank you for doing it.
drpenguin  [ 30 января 2018, 22:44 ]
Yes, you're right that could make a big difference, for some people.
Flip Flappers unfortunately doesn't have any fluffy boobs :'c
Mol  [ 30 января 2018, 22:16 ]
I think extra characters (?) could be introduced a bit better or somewhere earlier ,feel a bit like filler more than anything (not a big con, but ye)
Also add fluffy boobs
drpenguin  [ 30 января 2018, 21:27 ]
Last third of the vid is intentionally different, without any plot, because it would have limited me too much with what I could have done with the source.

Damn. Don't worry I'll make sure to use something less trashy next time. Looking at Gangnam Style atm.

The main reason why I wanted to edit these sources are the capabilities this anime has to achieve very unique kind of flow. So you could say that the fight sequence was my priority. I know not many people enjoy action, but making it good tests very different part of your editing skills compared to pure story or crossovers. Story is in my amv to give it a small meaning and something you can grasp on, with focus on my interpretation of the song.
Now I'm not saying you're wrong, this is actually the biggest concern I had with realeasing this video.

Next amv is gonna be pure vhs with anime overlay.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I'm very open to criticism, please give me more. The detailed, the better. From what I understand until now is that I should have made a clearer link between the 2 parts. Maybe even focus more on the story, for example with cuts in the action part back into the plot. Also making it a little more interesting at the beginning - biggest culprit for this is probably the first chorus, which is very weak.
The way it is right now it basically feels like 2 different AMVs in one and if you happen to dislike either of them, the whole idea falls apart.
Sissi  [ 29 января 2018, 16:17 ]
colorfuuuul <3
Lampianna  [ 24 января 2018, 19:09 ]
Atmosphere is top notch.
One of my favourites from the contest.
Megamen  [ 23 января 2018, 12:45 ]
Chvrches - помойка.

Музыка достаточно быстрая, но певица с половиной мозга растягивает слова периодически. Это...Это вызывает диссонанс.

Miso  [ 22 января 2018, 23:46 ]
nice, I really enjoyed :wink:
Kvant  [ 22 января 2018, 20:28 ]
Миленько, симпатично. Приятное м/в. Захотелось глянуть исходник.
Однако, толи Я устал смотреть, толи где-то на последней трети пошел совсем ниочёмный рандом. Никакого профиля персонажа тут нет и близко.
ICEberg  [ 21 января 2018, 11:29 ]
формальные признаки экшена имеются
профайлы раскрыты
если бы не было боевых сцен - была бы внятная история

за что драка то шла?
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