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GlayS  (UStudio)  [ glays ]
Нижний Тагил, Russia
My first more or less quality work. I hope you enjoy
Video    Sword Art Online
Audio    Skillet - Falling Inside the Black
Genre    Action, Drama
3:28 | 59,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / mp3
3:28 | 13,8 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 36 « [1] 2 3 4 »
ICEberg  [ 17 January 2014, 13:37 ]
синхра хромает на обе лапы
местами отвратительное качество исходника или кодировка
драмы не увидел

Domius  [ 11 January 2014, 23:43 ]
Shena  [ 19 December 2013, 03:43 ]
Совсем никак :sad:
RetributeAMV  [ 13 December 2013, 18:06 ]
Well all FX usage and such aside for the time being, I feel as though this AMV is just a collaboration random action scenes that seem to "fit" the lyrics or song's overall theme? I was a bit confused of the clip choices being that i've watched SAO numerous times for various reasons. Many of the choices of clips could've been chosen better.

Now as far as what you've given here I see room for improvement and a good start. You have an average understanding of beat hitting and clip selection towards action-like parts of music. All in all It's a standard AMV you could find most anywhere on youtube. Goodluck though! Hope to see more work from you in the future.
Scittalec  [ 11 December 2013, 00:13 ]
Aside obvious technical problems, can say that I do not feel character's aspiration at all! This is just a review of storyline with a barely visible reference to the song.
ASiR  [ 07 December 2013, 15:05 ]
Хороший сюжет, музыка и исполнение, не шедевр, но оценку хорошо заслуживает.
777lexa777  [ 04 December 2013, 19:39 ]
ну блин, аудио совсем заезженное
andrewbee  [ 04 December 2013, 18:19 ]
I think there is allot of time and room for improvement. I also think you might be fairly new to making amvs so my advice will be to try and push yourself to begin to learn how to weave a story together. I don't mind amvs that focuses entirely on the anime's tale, infact I love them the most because its a way to get new people to check out the anime. You have to make good scene selections and also 'feel the music'. You can always extract a good concept once you are self aware of why the music will work with the anime or source material. All the best.
zigzag173  [ 29 November 2013, 19:02 ]
I feel it looks like a elaborate picture-story.
SAO is a good anime! I found it again.
Thank you :smile:
Aleks-hab  [ 26 November 2013, 09:13 ]
но сюжет все же слабоват, если бы исходники не видел не особо вьехал бы
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