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diegao94  (Rising Production)  [ diegao94 ]
Novara, Италия
"Man kann von uns halten
Was immer man da will
Wir halten uns schadlos
Wir halten niemals still"
Видео    Fate/Zero
Музыка    Red - Glass House
Жанр    Action, Drama
2:39 | 46,2 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:39 | 10,4 Мб. | 480x272 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 70 « 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 »
DEDninja  [ 22 декабря 2013, 04:06 ]
Сделано достойно и на приличном уровне. Желаю достойных достижений в будущем!
Мои 7,5/10
andrewbee  [ 22 декабря 2013, 02:48 ]
Despite the grammatical atrocities you keep committing, I will educate you on your stupidity. The rating system is open and even though you are meant to be objective, without a breakdown rating system or basis which everyone adheres to, we are all giving subjective scores.

Kristo may have given Diegao94 a low score because she drew comparisons with my video and even if you felt it wasn't a justified rating, you have no authority to bash her for giving her opinion. Mixed ratings are seen all the time on this site and I'm sure not everyone will be in agreement to the numbers people post. Yet, you don't see everyone having a fiasco. Your case is a bit special, since you are retarded. If you want to make a criticism, be sure to make it constructive (see Anisci's comment) and don't make statements like the ones I highlighted earlier. You are not balancing any scores especially when you declare how much you dislike the video and then score it a 10. That's called malpractice you imbecile. If we all did that, it will render this system even more ineffective. You may not have the literal capacity to grasp all I have said but if you ask someone old enough, who can tolerate your tantrums, they will make you understand
PrincessKairy  [ 21 декабря 2013, 12:39 ]
Bitch, please, learn to read; and more important, to understand.
j7n13q  [ 20 декабря 2013, 22:08 ]
сделано хорошо, но нет ничего орегианльного, все стандартно... просто добросовестно выполненная работа
DemonKurama  [ 20 декабря 2013, 21:02 ]
It was ok.
andrewbee  [ 20 декабря 2013, 17:32 ]
 PrincessKairy @ 14 December 2013, 16:56 
...you should know how to judge a video for what it is and not making comparisons or comments like this ...Therefore, you should give the vote you think it really deserves and stop beying a child like that.


 PrincessKairy @ 17 December 2013, 21:55 
As you already know, I don't like it, I find that the action is too much slow in a lot of points of the song. However, I'll give you a 10/10 just to rebalance the average that Kristoo has ruined with a random 1/10 ;)

zxdamnedxz  [ 19 декабря 2013, 16:44 ]
liked 7\10
Shena  [ 19 декабря 2013, 03:30 ]
Первый клип (из просмотренных уже), которому могу только написать "Так держать!"
PrincessKairy  [ 18 декабря 2013, 01:55 ]
Oh, I forgot to comment the video.
As you already know, I don't like it, I find that the action is too much slow in a lot of points of the song. However, I'll give you a 10/10 just to rebalance the average that Kristoo has ruined with a random 1/10 ;)
Kristoo  [ 17 декабря 2013, 13:53 ]
Вообще-то можно скачать, нажав "сохранить ссылку как"
« 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 »
ЗРИТЕЛИ:7.0 (100)КРИТИКИ:6.9 (30)
АВТОРЫ:7.0 (62)ЭКСПЕРТЫ:4.5 (1)