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JadeCharm  [ JadeCharm ]
Friedrichshafen, Германия
Finally finished it! It took me over half a year...not because it was so much work but because I became fuckin lazy when it comes to amvs.

Some information about the video:
It is about boys who have a crazy and kinda creepy side. And it shows that every one of them has his own way to make the girl falling in love with him. Their crazy side might be scary first but can also become loveable :3

I know that some of you might complain about the song. I'm so sorry!!! But the song was perfect for doing that kind of video because it also sounds kinda....crazy... and creepy... ;)

Special thanks to Cenit and pic4arts for beta testing!
Видео    Микс [ Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun ]
Музыка    One Direction - One Way
Жанр    Romance, Fun
One Other Way0:00/ 0:00
2:17 | 41,5 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:17 | 8,58 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
2:17 | 62,8 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 32 « 1 [2] 3 4 »
TheSunLight9  [ 23 января 2014, 01:00 ]
Technically it needed more work, it's quite static buut I find it really cute <3 The song fits the couples and I liked how you used some effects, especially at the end! Good luck :-)
StormBlood  [ 22 января 2014, 20:57 ]
Very fun.... get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya :biggrin:
Тёмыч-кун  [ 22 января 2014, 20:44 ]
Итак. В самом клипе ничего примечательного нету. Да, техничен, да, синхра на уровне, но чего-то цепляющего нету. 7... Вернее была бы семёрка. Но мне теперь не забыть этой отвратительной перепевки Blondie. За это -2 бала. В итоге 5.
MentalTsui  [ 22 января 2014, 20:33 ]
I can see the relation in the anime/music combo, even though they're both awful IMO. It pretty much fits the category. The execution was however catastrophic in most of the video. I see what you did in the video, but overall, it's abysmal. 3.5
Best of luck nevertheless.
Pandemoni  [ 22 января 2014, 18:16 ]
Очень интересный клип. Интересное смешение цветов, отличная техника, забавный сюжет. Очень нравится))) 10!
Armed  [ 22 января 2014, 15:06 ]
Забавно, но м/в не очень, а технически хорошо. 7/10
Geesushi  [ 22 января 2014, 14:42 ]
Its really cute, and at the end of the video is getting better and better. There are like 3 things that could be better: the color correction, some of the fonts and effects arent that well made/chosen. Anddd... it needs more dynamic!

Still giving you 7, because its pretty cheerful, and lol. I didnt expected someone to use One Direction XD
Good luck! C:
Kristoo  [ 22 января 2014, 14:28 ]
You made one of the best work in previous year, for my opinion. But in this year something is wrong 7/10
Domius  [ 22 января 2014, 13:54 ]
 akira02sum @ 22 January 2014, 09:25 
Though the music is cheerful, the scenes are not.

akira02sum  [ 22 января 2014, 09:25 ]
Good: Representation has uniformity. Bad: Though the music is cheerful, the scenes are not.
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