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Kroner  (Rising Production)  [ Kroner ]
Rome, Италия
Hi guys, first time joining Akross and first crossover for me.
I wanted to edit something "sweet", the simple story of a boy who met a girl that changed everything
Видео    Микс [ Koe no Katachi, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Hibike! Euphorium ]
Музыка    Masaru Yokoyama - Yuujin A-kun wo Watashi no Bansousha ni Ninmeishimasu
Жанр    Romance, Story
2:24 | 41,3 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:24 | 9,15 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 53 « 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 »
Whiterock  [ 24 ноября 2017, 02:46 ]
There were some mistakes, but overall it's quite great crossover.

P.S. 1:39 She suddenly turned loli.
axonjunior  [ 24 ноября 2017, 02:33 ]
Music from one of the sources, this is beyond the rules of the contest :sad:
Kroner  [ 19 ноября 2017, 14:17 ]
 buggy @ 19 November 2017, 08:44 

that’s what I did actually, I color correct a lot but some scenes were really difficult to change and I didn’t want to put an aggressive cc on the whole video. Btw this is a little before/ After I did:http://it.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2qdob4k&s=9
buggy  [ 19 ноября 2017, 13:44 ]
It's not the best but it's alright. So good job
Also an easy way to blend the characters better is to play around with hue/saturation and curves or levels. A trick is to make everything black and white and see how it all blends so you don't have to worry about colors and then you mess around with those too :biggrin:
Artofeel  [ 19 ноября 2017, 12:27 ]
 Kroner @ 19 November 2017, 13:59 
The all white on black logo was more connected with the snowflake (yeah I copied you brutally xD)

actually I mean bended right side
you could bend left!
but who cares :)

 Kroner @ 19 November 2017, 13:59 
Doing a crossover was something that could let me do whatever I want in that way, and it was even a great challenge for me since I’m still pretty new.

good, this is the main thing.
Kroner  [ 19 ноября 2017, 11:59 ]
 Artofeel @ 19 November 2017, 03:52 

Yes :p, I never thought I could change color to the logo since I saw your vid and it became obvious. The all white on black logo was more connected with the snowflake (yeah I copied you brutally xD). For the vid itself I haven’t done a crossover for the glory, I never edit thinking about contests or something like that, I just accelerate to match the deadlines. You must know that I really love to create scenes, working with backgrounds, placing characters and bla bla bla. Doing a crossover was something that could let me do whatever I want in that way, and it was even a great challenge for me since I’m still pretty new. I know that there are a lot of of mistakes, things that didn’t blend perfectly, but I’m still happy with the results and I learned a lot making this. Btw thx u very much for your answer in English :smile:
Shino  [ 19 ноября 2017, 11:37 ]
gj :smile:
Artofeel  [ 19 ноября 2017, 08:52 ]
hey! you steal my akrosscon logo! :D
well this is pretty "sweet" video, but I really don't like the guy
he looks too different to the others
especially to girl
crossover for crossover? meh..
anyway GJ
EvilSpider  [ 19 ноября 2017, 08:21 ]
 MikuriAki @ 19 November 2017, 07:43 
Погодите, а ничего что музыка это ОСТ из одного из исходников? Вроде по правилам нельзя

В миксах/кроссоверах такое допускается, хоть и с оговорками.
MikuriAki  [ 19 ноября 2017, 02:43 ]
Погодите, а ничего что музыка это ОСТ из одного из исходников? Вроде по правилам нельзя
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