This is a montage of anime Blech and Naruto Shippuden, the struggle between the main characters of them, also has a surprise for the likes of One piece at the end of AMV.
К сожалению я не могу все это написать на английском. Единственное, что понравилось - маски, очень качественные. Остальное только резало глаз. Половина клипа - недоэффект, постоянный дикий шейк. Есть только идея. 5 Very good masks, but i didn't like nothing apart them. Crazy shake, not so good effects.
Oh, man, it's realy good AMV. Masks are close to be called perfect, titles are unusual, but... I didn't like 3D room (it looks like Kramer), shakes at the first part, and why there's DRAMA in genre-list??? I don't see drama
Very good masks, but i didn't like nothing apart them. Crazy shake, not so good effects.