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[16.12.2013] theredflash66 » We're Moving [JonesSeries]
not too bad :wink:
[16.12.2013] theredflash66 » Drive Out [John]
Wow nice job! :eat:
[16.12.2013] akira02sum » Drive Out [John]
Heavy rathar than speedy. And good enough editing. But I'm sorry that text presentation harms the video.
[16.12.2013] gabber1991md » Drive Out [John]
this was fun :tongue:
good luck!
[16.12.2013] AyAto » Dark City [Okami]
Очень круто 9 из 10!
Обязательно буду пересматривать.

Классный набор исходников!
[16.12.2013] Sonada » We're Moving [JonesSeries]
Под этот клип хорошо засыпать. Но я не думаю что это плюс...
[16.12.2013] AyAto » The New World [JustRukia]
Очень хорошо! Аято одобряет =)
[16.12.2013] AyAto » Feelings in between days [Kaito]
Очень атмосферно!

Прям как один из кадров:
http://vk.com/photo10408247_281814504 =))
[16.12.2013] EnIgMoZz2 » Drive Out [John]
 goЯz @ 15 December 2013, 19:05 
pretty much the very first decent edit of Shingeki no Kyojin since the creation of this anime,

Whoa.... that is a very, very bold comment to make. Yes, this is the first Shingeki vid I've seen that has decent effects, but "first decent edit"? Whoa.

Added (after 3 min. and 17 sec.):

Not to mention, the song just absolutely kills the video for anyone with good taste
[16.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » Drive Out [John]
I liked the effects but something is missed /:
[16.12.2013] nivekov123 » Drive Out [John]
this is a pretty cool video, I think the camera scenes needed more wobble though to make it more chaotic, I still really love the originality for this, good job!
[16.12.2013] nivekov123 » We're Moving [JonesSeries]
good for first full amv
[16.12.2013] cecco » Drive Out [John]
 goЯz @ 15 December 2013, 17:05 
the texts needed a bit of work it looked so plain normal and sometimes unnecessary or just distracting, but still good job John )

[16.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » We're Moving [JonesSeries]
Nice one for being a first full AMV. Try to improve your sync and you'll be a great editor (:
[16.12.2013] JazzsVids » Drive Out [John]
cool cool
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil1085
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate772
3.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me666
4.Umika - Traumerei607
5.Nostromo - Running Man560
6.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast554
7.EvilSpider - Revenge552
8.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON523
9.Aggressor - Act of Genesis519
10.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind518
11.Crossfade - The Stage502
12.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled498
13.Gidra - fu logic!492
14.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival487
15.SilentMan - Drawn Dream486
16.Umika - Sincerity477
17.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God459
18.Gidra - No Action452
19.VIDOK - Sexy434
20.S studio - D-ON!428
21.goЯz - Fracture421
22.Aggressor - De:Light420
23.impr3ssiv - noize419
24.Q&A - ChillOut408
25.Centurione - Pandora406
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