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[30.11.2013] space » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Очень атмосферно. 9
[30.11.2013] Rider4Z » Feelings That We Share [Benreparn]
best video in the competition I've seen so far.
[30.11.2013] Erexon » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
:lol: good
[30.11.2013] zigzag173 » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
Good tempo!!
Your video only patchwork of the scenes without effects.
In spite of this, You make good synchronized video, I feel the editing techniques of you there.
Sync of around 1:45 to 2:30 is so great especially. I like it.
I feel happy and light at heart, and your video give me a lot of energy!!
Thank you! :smile:
[30.11.2013] AlexxAMV » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
nice vid mate...good luckz
[30.11.2013] Wedmag » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
[30.11.2013] zigzag173 » Totally unnecessary [Porkychoppop]
ahaha :laugh:
[30.11.2013] Anicsi » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
Wow... HAHA i don't even- just.. WHAT?? So the first half minute or so didn't grip me at all, but it got increasingly more funny, and I got totally sucked into it. Amazing lip synching and how you matched the sounds in the music to actions in the video. It's very hard to do, but you pulled it off so well that sometimes it felt like the song was written for this video. Kudos to you!!
[30.11.2013] ProjectBarcodeError » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
[30.11.2013] Anicsi » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
The flow was a bit jucky at parts, like the story and the scenes/light/atmosphere didn't fall together so well which made it hard to follow. Even so, the atmosphere was really great and cool crossover :D Very good job!
[30.11.2013] Anicsi » Circus [Angel_Sora]
Wow dude, that was some crazy masking LOL I really liked the transitions, maybe try to pay more attention next time to colors and such, as to make the flow and the transitions even smoother :) Some of the movements were a bit extreme and didn't flow very nicely, but overall it was really well done! Great job!
[30.11.2013] BlacKOT » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
Посмотрим что за аниме... Довольно комично и мило... 8 поставлю.
[30.11.2013] akira02sum » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
Perfect lipsync and lyrics_sync. In addition a good choice of music. まさか!さん、参加お疲れさまです。なによりも楽しい作品ですが、歌詞合わせよりも、曲の構成をしっかりと捉えた上で、それに従い映像を作っているのが伝わってきて、感心しました。観ていて、気持よかったです。
[30.11.2013] Asaliachan » The Boy Who Murdered Love [ONEWAYS]
I am totaly flashed, i watched over and over :)
[30.11.2013] Mirekbie » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
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