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[21.01.2020] GoldenThunder » Sword of Immortality [MrAuditore & tanott]
You confuse sync with pacing my man. The way the whole video is juxtaposed together for consistency and make the cuts and the impact of events build up and feel natural is what this video lacks. I'm not talking about any sync, beatsync lyricsync etc, because even tho that's also an aspect the video isn't at the top, but that is way more of a subjective thing - I am not talking about the video's connection with the music in this case. I really hate using this word when it comes to AMVs because it feels pretentious, but it lacks anything you could call cinematic, or anything a music video should offer in the first place. And as an AMV editor who is in the "business" for so long you should know the best, that atmosphere is something you can achieve through scene selection and pacing in the first place, and can improve it more with effects. Since effects were barely used, the video could only rely on the first two of these things, which seemed to fail miserably and with all these let down there's no core of the video to build it around and the final product will be an other soulless industrial product of a samurai video, which we have seen way too often to bring any entertainment to this contest.
[21.01.2020] Anejo » Reversal [okhostok]
Как всегда в тових работах, некоторые места не пошли, но есть и куча достойных моментов)
Проблема в том, что в некоторых местах не хватило связок-переходов между кадрами, даже если кадры близкие по смыслу это недостаточно, чтобы они смотрелись рядом.
[21.01.2020] okhostok » Reversal [okhostok]
 sucubus @ 21 January 2020, 18:11 
Рандом не становится психоделикой только из-за использования дремучей музыки.

Это не рандом, вы просто не поняли. Хотя я вас понимаю. )
[21.01.2020] Fynjy » LOTUS MEP [Multi-Editor Project]
В целом нормально. Но местами маски подогнаны плохо по гамме с бекграундами, а местами качество Кеншина, желает оставлять лучшего, так же, стоило наверное более обстоятельно задерживаться на самурайском символизме, раскрывая атмосферу.
Нормальный, вполне техничный меп, разве что ни синхра, ни динамика не доведены до совершенства, можно было поработать напильником еще.
К первой минуте, или даже чуть больше, претензий нет вообще. Первая минута понравилась.
[21.01.2020] sucubus » Reversal [okhostok]
Рандом не становится психоделикой только из-за использования дремучей музыки.
[21.01.2020] Kroner » "Friend" [GoldenThunder]
What I mean is that the song has always the same pace and it was difficult to make it interesting. U somehow made it interesting even when everything seems so calm, and that’s alone is a good thing for me. So basically even if I don’t agree with something I’m more than happy to say I appreciate it anyway without regrets. :)
[21.01.2020] GoldenThunder » Pervasive Emotions [Milan21]
You know I will love this since you mixed one of my favourite anime's with the OST of one of my favourite video games - you instantly bought me without even watching the video, kinda feels like cheating.

The atmosphere of the video was well recreated from what I have experienced watching the anime - and this is the first time I see someone editing Angels Egg with being true to the original impact the movie gives you. Definitely not an everyday feeling it gives you.

Even tho theres not much editing in it and it's mostly a simple video, the pacing felt really natural, the fades didn't feel amateur or forced as they do a lot of the times, and some glow effects you used look good, I probably wouldn't notice them if I haven't seen the source.

Definitely the best work from you in my opinion, I feel like you found your own style and polished it clean with this work, keep it up! Good luck in the contest. :)
[21.01.2020] MetL storm » Reversal [okhostok]
Не неожиданно, и даже дискомфортно. Но что-то в этом есть.
[21.01.2020] MetL storm » Pervasive Emotions [Milan21]
Мрачно, густо, загадочно
[21.01.2020] GoldenThunder » Reversal [okhostok]
This was not what I was expecting (in a positive way)
GJ and GL
[21.01.2020] GoldenThunder » "Friend" [GoldenThunder]
no u !!!!!! :P :cool:
THX for the comment, I don't exactly understand what do you mean by progression tho
[21.01.2020] Strannik610 » Pervasive Emotions [Milan21]
При запуске через онлайн плеер не отображается видео (красный экран и музыка).
[21.01.2020] cornmaniac » Reversal [okhostok]
The drop was such a pleasant surprise, and the ending left me in even further awe! Just like in Freecon 2019, you surprised through a well-put together collage and a daring perspective on things that draws the viewer in like a maelstrom. Good luck!
[21.01.2020] Kroner » "Friend" [GoldenThunder]
Ok, more serious comment now. I don’t personally agree with some of your choices, and even if I really appreciate the song it lacks in progression, but there is something elegant here, the atmosphere is really nice and involving and it’s like I know there’s something missing but I can go through it anyway without regrets

Ah, u gay
[21.01.2020] Artofeel » Sword of Immortality [MrAuditore & tanott]
 MesoGear @ 20 January 2020, 17:52 
офигеть, оказывается новое аниме по клинку бессмертного вышло

хех.. лучше бы Beageruta экранизировали...
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil1085
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate772
3.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me666
4.Umika - Traumerei607
5.Nostromo - Running Man560
6.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast554
7.EvilSpider - Revenge552
8.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON523
9.Aggressor - Act of Genesis519
10.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind518
11.Crossfade - The Stage502
12.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled498
13.Gidra - fu logic!492
14.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival487
15.SilentMan - Drawn Dream486
16.Umika - Sincerity477
17.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God459
18.Gidra - No Action452
19.VIDOK - Sexy434
20.S studio - D-ON!428
21.goЯz - Fracture421
22.Aggressor - De:Light420
23.impr3ssiv - noize419
24.Q&A - ChillOut408
25.Centurione - Pandora406
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2007 18.11.2007  
Смысловые Галлюцинации - Вечно молодой
Character Profile, Psychedelic
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2007 10.12.2007  
Tekkon Kinkreet
Clint Mansell - Death is the Road to Awe, C…
Drama, Psychedelic
Mix (117)
Foo Fighters - Best of You
Drama, Serious