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[06.11.2019] Kroner » The Way Out [DBlacklizt]
that's actually really not bad, as you said it was done in only 4 days and for this kind of vids I think you need more time to manage all the stuff but GG dude,I only wish you had spent more time on it honestly, because it's good, but it could be WAY better
[06.11.2019] Kroner » Rampages [MetL storm]
some parts were actually godd, some other were way more cheaper, it feel a bit rushed honstely, but I enjoyed it actually, probably also because it's my first vid on this source and it seem to be interesting, good luck :smile:
[06.11.2019] Kroner » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
cute, but I could appreciate it more if you had added more personal stuff in there, it lacks something for me, probabily just some minor details that could do the difference :wink:
[06.11.2019] MesoGear » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
Неплохо, но есть очевидные шероховатости, над которыми можно было еще поработать.

 AnimeFanaticBoy @ 06 November 2019, 00:13 
(Original Animation)

in past years, too, was
[06.11.2019] SkyCold » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
In theory, NO. Because this is a MMD Video And not a AMV. So, have something awkward in here...
[06.11.2019] AnimeFanaticBoy » Rampages [MetL storm]
hmm not bad
[06.11.2019] AnimeFanaticBoy » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
While I enjoyed it serious question to everyone: Does this kind of video counts for the contest? (Original Animation)
[05.11.2019] seriy » Rampages [MetL storm]
Недостаточно жесткое мв для меня, на винланд сагу метал фолк нужен для полноты ощущений. А так синхра есть - уже хорошо, неплохой клип.
[05.11.2019] Death_Kn1ght » Rampages [MetL storm]
Смелое М/В , которое , наверное, через пару просмотров будет заходить проще, чем при первом просмотре. Радует, что из сорса выжималось всё по максимуму , с минимумом вмешательств :smile:
Местами очень интересные и крутые штуки были, оригинальные.
А вот местами были сцены, которые не дотягивают до какого-то интересного уровня, но чисто по ощущениям это, скорее, сорс просто скудный на то, что автору в нем хотелось видеть, но в сорсе не оказалось.

Энивей, работа понравилась, буду пересматривать. Спасибо, Метл ! :3
[05.11.2019] `ZeRo » Rampages [MetL storm]

Такой суровый, мужицкий, крепкий экшон.
[05.11.2019] Whiterock » Rampages [MetL storm]
Вот экшн дак экшн. Не отпускало от начало до конца. Хотя 2:16-2:27 уже немного лишнее.
[05.11.2019] Whiterock » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
Thanks for nearly two minutes of positiveness. :smile:

It is good that you decided to add some of your own dance scenes and not fully copy the original video. The 3D is very well made.

On a side note, feels sad that facial expressions on 3D could hardly compete with 2D. The heroine's face looks too stiff in the second part of the video.
[05.11.2019] Whiterock » The Way Out [DBlacklizt]
For a 2:30 long video it felt very... short. Nearly nothing happend during her wandering in that abandoned place and then suddenly the truth of her condition had poured on her all at once.

I think it would have been better if she came to understanding of what happend to her step by step, while wandering in those tunnels, escaping the strange reaper.

However thanks for the nice atmosphere with music/video.
[05.11.2019] Fynjy » Rampages [MetL storm]
Крепенький экшн, по личным ощущениям, недостаточно темный для подобной музыки. Синхру не надо было очень уж много делать, но с ключевыми моментами поиграться все-же стоило, дабы акцентировать внимание зрителя в некоторых пиках, избавив ролик, от некоторой монотонности. Хотя, после такого перерыва в любом случае хорошо. Велкам бак!
[05.11.2019] Radical Dream » Platinum Disco [Platinum]
Hey, the animations are dope. What software are you using and was it some preset, or you made everything yourself from scratch?
Everything looks great, but aesthetics (it just lacks some motion/backgrounds stuff as well as the titles, which looks too cheap in front of all that work done (if you made it yourself)). One more thing...i know you are chinese and all that, but i would suggest you to use latin, if your target audience is in the west.
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil100%
2.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me98.8
3.EvilSpider - Revenge98.6
4.goЯz - Fracture98.2
5.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast98.2
6.Fynjy - Hell's Gate97.5
7.ukms[z] - Fade To Blue96.4
8.Nostromo - Running Man96.3
9.Umika - Traumerei96.1
10.Centurione - Pandora95.9
11.Nostromo - Auriga95.9
12.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind94.7
13.ukms[z] - Reflections94.7
14.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God94.2
15.Bea$t - Beast Within93.8
16.SilentMan - Drawn Dream93.7
17.Umika - Sincerity92.8
18.Perfect-Blue - Quatro nAVI System CODE VECTOR /rev. 2.0/92.8
19.Crossfade - The Stage92.2
20.Aggressor - De:Light92.1
21.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON91.9
22.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival91.5
24.EvilSpider - Lifetime90.8
25.Q&A - ChillOut90.6
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