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[10.01.2018] krosha » Demons In The Dark [DAPSEpako]
Хотела посмотреть экшен и хоррор, посмотрела бессюжетное психоделическое мясо. Монотонная музыка и предсказуемые не особо красивые кровавые вспышки, даже не досмотрела, хотя в этом жанре есть много достойных работ
[10.01.2018] krosha » Oneness [Artofeel]
Странный клип, на это аниме видела более достойные клипы.
[10.01.2018] Blood Slayer AMV's » Meteorite [FT AMVs]
Like, Good work
[10.01.2018] Blood Slayer AMV's » It was once [hadez san]
I like :)
[09.01.2018] Mol » That Day [Kroner]
Works pretty well, some of stuff felt a bit iffy , still it does it's job.
[09.01.2018] HonyxOtaku » Daughters of Lilith [HonyxOtaku]
Miso Thank you : D I am happy that you like it in that way : D
Thanks for the Time that you spend to watched it and comment it, helpfully <3
[09.01.2018] Miso » Daughters of Lilith [HonyxOtaku]
Wow! This is absolutely an ubeat AMV...pretty alternation! :smile:
I like it...it´s really fresh : )
You can see your effort..and your thoughts about it...I can see that you musst tried hard. And...Wtf, this is a diffucult Song...high Level, respect!
It´s clearly visible that you almost focused at each beat...and you managed that quite good. It´s not perfect, but I´m sure you know your current own skills and you made the best of it. ; )
Personal, I like the beginning...nice introduction and the part 01:36 - 02:35...freaky but you posed it amazing to the beat ..yeah well pictured.
GOOD LUCK! :wink:
Besides, I want watch the Anime now. xD
[09.01.2018] HonyxOtaku » Daughters of Lilith [HonyxOtaku]
Artofeel Thank you for the helpful comment. If I would rate your amv, in our style, it would be this one: Well, i canceled your AMV per 30Sec.

ohhh noo i think a swearword would be there too xD
I hope your understand my bad english : P

Added (after 34 sec.):

Axiles Thank you i would rate it with the same points xD

Added (after 3 min. and 49 sec.):

Thank you in German i read: Hat es nicht gemocht, zu flache Zakos unter KazKona, außerdem eine Grössenordnung schwächer als das.

I dont know what is Zakos xD i know KazKon !! he is really a good amv maker !
But i think you are wrong her when you only write, you dont like the amv - because it not so good as his(KazKon) Amv - i never would do the same amv what he do, because i do it on my style. Next time write was your really dont like it. What i can do better - helpful things.

Added (after 5 min. and 13 sec.):

Haha xD i was really scary from your comment xD..why you post his Amv?
surreptitious advertising ?? xD i Know him - but your !! comment is the 1 helpful thing!! thanks ! CLAP CLAP
I thougt the same ha ha but i dont found a better part in this anime what i can use for this part (for me) so i used it and do my best : D - and i did not want to cut it out D :
[09.01.2018] dreamcatcher166 » Улетая в рай [Darksss 73]
Песня очень красивая.
[09.01.2018] Nicokun » It was once [hadez san]
Ghosting is unacceptable
[09.01.2018] Unver » Fragments of life [KSANDR]
 KSANDR @ 08 January 2018, 05:53 
это уже немного....

Да ладно, ну ведь была же какая-то светлая мысль :biggrin: А тут так сказать сразу из уст автора задумку узнать :wink:
P. s. Спасибо автору за работу, одна из не многих в этом году, которая действительно понравилась и была просмотрено от начала до самого конца. Желаю удачи и попадания в список призеров!
[09.01.2018] Miso » Symbiosis of our Affection [Miso]
 dumtumdum @ 08 January 2018, 12:18 

thx man

 KazeShin @ 08 January 2018, 17:08 

thx for honest meaning

 Kvant @ 09 January 2018, 04:26 

um...need translater xD, really, I´m thanksful for your opinion and perception...
and for your last tip :smile:
[09.01.2018] Kroner » That Day [Kroner]
 777lexa777 @ 25 December 2017, 15:40 
в начале была какая то заинтересованность, под конец стало скучно

ok, thx
[09.01.2018] Axiles » Daughters of Lilith [HonyxOtaku]
скучно 6/10
[09.01.2018] Mol » Bullets Rain [Rider4Z]
Simple and effective, but it feels off for some reason. Mhm mby lyrics don't work here for me : d.
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